Pankration: Substantially, Mixed Martial Arts

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At this present time, Pankration in its original form does not exist anymore. However, it has influenced a number of different fighting styles like “Brazilian jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, karate, savate, recent trends in no-hold-barred fights, etc.” Substantially, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and events similar MMA has been influenced by Pankration. MMA is a combat sport that is modeled from Pankration; it is a modified version of Pankration that was used by the ancient Greeks. As MMA became more well-known, techniques became more multifaceted which led to a hybridization of fighting styles. It combines the fighting styles of kickboxing, muay thai, Judo, jiu-jitsu, etc. MMA is also otherwise known as “NHB (no-holds-barred), cage fighting, submission …show more content…

The reason behind the expansion of UFC was to see which mixed martial art fighting technique was the most effective. Some UFC fighters come from different fighting backgrounds and techniques. Although fights are promoted as “no rules”, though gouging, biting, and groin strikes are off limits, and fighters could be fined for using them. Sharing some qualities of Pankration, fighters can win by knockout, judge’s decision, and submission of their opponents. Also, fighters can surrender by raising their index fighters, and/or tapping their opponents or the floor repeatedly. But unlike the Pankration, UFC fights included safety equipment, such as mouth guards, groin protection, light open-fingered gloves, and apparel, such as briefs and shorts. UFC fights are also timed, which contrasts with the Pankration. UFC lasts about three to five rounds, whereas each round is around one to five minutes each. Matches are held in a boxing ring or a fenced …show more content…

This contact sport will continue to grow and increase their popularity. The Ultimate Fighting Championship has helped preserve, teach, and endorse the ancient Pankration. The legacy of Pankration that has rooted itself into our modern martial arts will hopefully stay for many years to come. It is not only a contact sport, but also an art that has merged into our society. Watching mixed martial arts on television is a good way to pass the time, keeping our inner violent urges, and protect the legacy of the ancient

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