1. Workplace bullying demonstrates a lack of which one of three types of organizational justice?
Weakness procedural of organizational justice make workplace bullying happen. Organization justice is the degree to which individuals feel fairly treated at the workplace. It means that they enjoy on their work. In the organization justice there have three type of it, such as organizational, distributive and procedural.
Organizational is the degree to which individual feel they are fairly treated at the workplace. According John (Jack) M. Ivancevich (August 16, 1939-October 26, 2009) that “organizational justice is an area of organizational science research that focuses on perceptions and judgments by employees regarding the fairness of their organizations procedures and decisions”.
Distributive is the perceived fairness of how resources and reward are distributed throughout an organization. According to Dean B. McFarlin and Paul D. Sweeney that “Distributive justice was found to be a more important predictor of two personal outcomes, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction.”
Procedural is the perceived equity of the processes and procedures used to make resources allocation decisions. In the procedural justice, people are more inclined to interpret decisions as fair when they have a voice in the decision and the decision making is consistent. Not only that, people make the decisions fair went the process and procedures conform to ethical and moral values. . According to Dean B. McFarlin and Paul D. Sweeney that “Procedural justice, whereas the reverse was true for two organizational outcomes-organizational commitment and subordinates evaluation of supervisor.”
Workplace bullying has related with the interactional justice which ...
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...tempat-kerja/. Last accessed 2 April 2014.
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7) Department of the Premier and Cabinet(DBC) of the Government of South Australia.. (2006). Factors and Impact of Workplace Bullying.Available: http://www.stopbullyingsa.com.au/factors.asp. Last accessed 1 April 2014.
8) Ken Buckley. (1982). Six Strategies to Prevent Workplace Bullying in Your Organisation. Available: http://www.healthworks.com.au/2010/04/28/re-six-strategies-to-prevent-workplace-bullying-in-your-organisation/. Last accessed 1 April 2014.
It has various negative effects which are persistent in nature, and the individual victim realizes the behaviour as bullying (Wilson, 2016). Bullying is associated with physical and psychological problems among nurses leading to absenteeism, poor performance, low job satisfaction, and increased turnover (Ganz, et al., 2015). The issue of bullying among nurses further affects the entire health care team including patient outcomes and health care costs due to the declining level of nurses’ performance (Becher & Visovsky, 2012). Although bullying exists in the nursing work place, they are silent in nature, and goes undetected (Becher & Visovsky,2012). Hence, identifying and managing workplace bullying needs efforts of individual facing bullying and support of the
Workplace bullying is defined as any as any type of repetitive abuse in which the victim of the bullying behaviour suffers verbal abuse, threats, humiliating or intimidating behaviours, or behaviours that interfere with his or her job performance and are meant to place at risk the health and safety of the victim (Murray, 2009). Bullying can take many forms, some blatant, others more subtle. Researchers ha...
Chapovalov, O., & Van Hulle, H. (2015). Workplace bullying in nursing part 1: prevention through awareness. OOHNA journal, 20-25. Retrieved August 16, 2017.
Workplace bullying is an issue at my current place of employment. It pertains specifically to my experiences and observations of a staff member who feels the need to demoralize and abuse her co-workers and patients. Her harsh mannerisms, including aggressiveness and manipulation had a negative impact on many staff
Workplace bullying is a pattern of behaviour intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person. It can include physical abuse or the threat of abuse, bullying usually causes psychological rather than physical harm. The respondents are being bullied by their employers but these helped them to strive harder to achieve their goals. Although job challenges can be hard to deal with, overcoming those issues can help an employee become stronger and more confident.
With the concept of organization justice, Shkoler (2017), defines the concept of organizational justice as the “Perceptions of the degree to which an organization provides its employees with appropriate, fair and respectful treatment, adequate and accurate information, and resources and rewards.” (Shkoler & Tziner, 2017). With this, the researchers (2017) found that employees who perceived injustice in the workplace and acted to resolve the issues developed some behaviors that demonstrated negative feelings towards the organization. These behaviors included a lack of motivation and manifestations of mistrust towards the workplace or the manager. (Shkoler et al., 2017). The consequence of perceived injustice to employers is job burnout. Emotional intelligence was measured using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form. Organizational justice was measured by the justice scale and burnout was measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Work Misbehavior was measured by the Interpersonal and Organizational Deviance Scale. Meetings were conducted among threatened participants to gather the information about what might be going on in terms of employee’s personal, social, and mental health. This included issues of expertise, self-esteem,
Not only is it already hard to be a teenager, but having to deal with constant teasing and harassment is just something no one needs. There is a point in life where bullying can become so terrifying that students will rather stay at home than have to face their bully. Darnell “Dynasty” Young is a 17 year old gay teen who has gone through every possible way to stop his bullies from harassing him. His mother has tried everything but hasn’t been able to put a stop to it. Until one day, Young’s mother bought Darnell a stun gun. His mother told him to bring it to school and when the bullies began to torment him to take it out. He did just that, he did not actually shoot anyone he just waved it up in the air to intimidate his bullies. He not only got suspended but he also got arrested, yet the six boys teasing him and calling him names received no punishment whatsoever. (CNN) Young is one of the many kids that go through this type of abuse in a place where they should feel safe. This is an example of the school failing to do anything to prevent this kind of behavior, even after the parents try to intervene. This is also a great example of parents failing to implement high behavior standards by enforcing them to retaliate. Parents should be there to advice a peaceful way of resolving this in a non violent way not give them the weapon. By implementing prevention programs such as activities that help fight bullying can ultimately lead to the end of this horrific thing some kids face each day.
In correlating the scores from the Self-Assessment Exercise located on pages 58-59 of our text book I have discovered that the fairness for which I score my place of work, and the organization for which I work, the highest is in fact Interpersonal Justice; for which my combines score totaled 13 out of a possible 15. This places Interpersonal justice at a very high overall level of perceived justice for me. And I can think of many reason ranging from the broad to the personal, and from the historic to the current, which all could be contributors to my having this perception.
Although there are other definitions pertaining to workplace bullying, Weidmer captures the aspects relating to the behaviors of the bully and the impacts on the victim. Workplace bullying is considered to be any unwanted and harmful behaviors towards employees that an employee demonstrates on a regular basis. These actions may cause tension between employees and make it hard for the victim to work along side the bully or other employees. Bullying can cause an individual to break down and pose opportunity f...
behaviour in bullying situations. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(3), 246-258. Retrieved from Education Research Complete.
Rigby, Ken. New Perspectives on Bullying. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2002. eBook Collection EBSCOhost. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.
"Teenage Bullying." Stop Bullying, Harassment, and Anti-Bully in School/Work. 2013. Web. 29 April 2014. http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/teenage-bullying.html
Cook, C., Guerra, N., Kim, T., Sadek, S., Williams, K. (2010). Predictors of bullying and
Purcell, 22 March 2011, Working to Stamp Out Bullying, Finda Sunshine Coast, accessed 30 March 2011,
What is workplace bullying? According to the Workplace Bullying Institute “ 35 per cent of the U.S workforce repor...