Nutrition Personal Statement

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Growing up with a metabolic syndrome and following a specific diet, made me want to explore more the scientific literacy, and try to find ways to improve my health through nutrition in conjunction with pharmaceutical treatment. This search provided me with all the necessary information to create a nutrition plan suitable to my needs, while at the same time intrigued me to continue even further with self studies on this direction. All this made me realize that i want to involve more actively in this area of interest and pursuit a degree that will give me more concrete knowledge. Moreover this will form the basis for a new career upon completion of my studies in Nutrition and Dietetics, and the opportunity to offer my expertise in public or …show more content…

While in UK, i will have the chance to learn more about the British history, culture, and ethical background of it's population. In addition to this, the fact that my job in tourism industry requires a broad use of English as language skill, gives me the confidence that i will not face any particular difficulties in a course where the modules taught in English language.

To continue, having read the curriculum of the course made me realize that during my academic years, i will receive in-depth all the necessary tools required to make progress in this field. Moreover, the fact that a placement in a clinical environment is in most of the cases mandatory as part of a course curriculum , makes me feel excited for the experience that i will gain while working with real patients. This will give me the privilege to put in practice my knowledge ad help people who suffer from cancer, diabetes, myopathies and other chronic diseases in order to improve their quality of life.
In addition to this, during my studies, I will be more than willing to spent part of my leisure time and participate to various programs, which involve the information of the public about the latest research and development in Nutrition and

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