Nonprofit Organizations: Boy Scouts Of America

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Non-profit organizations come in many shapes and sizes. The responsibility of a nonprofit is to honestly run the organization with the best intent for expenses, objectives and results. Each one is uniquely individual and has an idea or goal in mind, which takes a group effort to help fulfill, referred to as its own charitable mission. One of the many nonprofit organizations which I would like to provide information about today is Boy Scouts of America. This organization is a 501c (3) program focused on the youth, which teaches responsibilities, team work and leadership skills. This program has only a few paid employees and is mostly run by parents and volunteers. Boy Scouts of America originally heard of the idea which was taking place in Britain. …show more content…

And last but not least the Scout Law is, “A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.” The oath promises to follow scout law and do my best for God, my country and myself as well as help others and do what is morally correct, at all times. This helps build an adult from the inside out and essentially “prepares them for life.” Although the boy scouts were originally known to have a more direct focus on ideas such as wood whittling, knot tying and survival in the wilderness, the skills in which they are actually learning build courage, loyalty, patriotism, brotherhood, self control, usefulness and thriftiness. Benefits which they also learn by being an active member of boy scouts are better judgment, developing long lasting friendships and caring for the environment around …show more content…

These new forms of communication must be available for everyone to help us live day to day more easily and especially in this diverse world. Having this common knowledge also makes people more marketable for more educational and career opportunities as well. Even the knowledge of non verbal communication forms help us understand each other and situations we may encounter. Therefore this new program is necessary in order to help these youth prepare for the future and be confident and take part in society more comfortably without doubt and communicate

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