Non profit Organization

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Nonprofit and for-profit businesses have multiple similarities and differences. For-profit organizations are very different from non-profit organizations because the driving goal of a for-profit organization is increasing its revenue whereas a non-profit organization will not go out of business if it suffers financial loss or does not have a bottom-line. The marketing process also differs, with the biggest differentiating factor of profit marketing is to encourage customers to buy and while the nonprofit marketing purpose is usually to encourage people to give. This means that the return on investment differs between the two. Although the principles of marketing remain the same, some of the methods must, of necessity, be different. Because of the intense involvement in the community as well as support from government, agencies non-profit firms should not compete in the same markets as for profit companies nor in anyway position their organization in any way to give the impression that their efforts could be commercial based (Nelson, 2002). Profit Marketing objectives of marketing are usually to let potential clients in the target market know about the product or service and how it can benefit them, with a view to selling it in exchange for money. The corporation keeps the money, and the customer enjoys the product or service that they bought. Profit marketing also focuses on developing new markets for existing products or identifying markets for new product lines. The major difference between the marketing of the two types of corporations is the fulfillment of the customer need. The for profit marketing customer has a need that he fulfills by the purchase of the goods or services and may measure sales, the number of customers, or... ... middle of paper ... ...ments. References: Boundless. Unique Issues in Nonprofit Marketing Strategies. Retrieved from: Nelson, B. (2002, July). For Profit versus Non-Profit. Retrieved from: Sandilands, Tracey. Difference Between for Profit & Not for Profit Marketing. Retrieved from: UC Davis. (10 December, 2013). Business & Non-profits. Retrieved from: Vanderkelen, Barry. (19 September, 2013). Having a marketing plan is key for nonprofits. Retrieved from:

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