Social Innovation and Organisational Form

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Drawing on your knowledge of social innovation and organizational form, compare and contrast two organizational forms (e.g association and social movement; company limited by guarantee and coop; hybrid and some ‘pure’ form. Critically evaluate them with regard to their enabling or constraining impact on social innovation. Draw liberally on the relevant literature and illustrate with examples. Introduction Our societies are facing extraordinary challenges: increasing inequality, rising poverty rates, unstable economies, climate change and a raft of other issues. Change is happening at an alarming speed and the social and environmental need is mounting to a petrifying crescendo (Innovation 2013). According to Mulgan (2006) the pace of social innovation is going to accelerate at an abnormal rate in the coming century. From my study in this course I have come to realise that a social innovation is a bold, new or improved solution, that fulfills an unmet need, changes current behaviors, co-creates value alongside community values and drivers for implementation and growth, and cuts across sectors. Social innovation may be carried out by individuals and business’s under a wide array of forms. For the purpose of this essay, I have chosen to compare and contrast two different organisational forms, Hybrids and cooperatives and evaluate their enabling and constraining impact on social innovation using well structured examples. Hybrid organizations make up the bulk of the public sphere in many Western European countries (kickert, 2001). We must be aware of a number of features that salamon laid out to look at the criterial for effective impact analysis too. Salamon suggests that impact analysis must be systematic, theory based, more than a c... ... middle of paper ... ... “The Nonprofit Sector: For What and for Whom?” Working Papers of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, no. 37. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 2000 Sang-Il Han, Moo-Kwon Chung* and Mun-su Park (2013). “Local stakeholder involvement and social innovation in Korean co-operatives.” Community Development Journal. Advance Access published July 3, 2013, 1-17. Seelos, Christian and Johanna Mair (2012). “What Determines the Capacity for Continuous Innovation in Social Sector Organizations?” Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society Rathgeb Smith, S (2010). “Hybridization and Nonprofit Organizations: The Governance Challenge.” Policy and Society, 29, 219–229. What is a hybrid? Things im learning along the way April 2013 Accessed:

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