Navy Eod Research Paper

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Naval explosive ordnance disposal is possibly one of if not the most dangerous special warfare units in the world. Working with the navy seals and other highly trained special warfare groups, navy eod is the elite of the elite. Navy EOD has a rich history and requires many months of training and schooling. Navy eod was first founded during WWII. “Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams trace their history back to the first group of volunteers selected to work with the famed British UXO teams, following the initial German Blitzkrieg attacks in early 1940”( Starting off defusing underwater mines in shipping lanes during WWII Navy EOD has always been up close and personal with explosives. Navy EOD is the “explosive ordinance disposal” unit for the navy. They go out and defuse bombs so that they don't blow up and kill civilians or our troops. Not just anybody can go out and defuse a bomb. it takes special skills. …show more content…

” 60 weeks of training gives these elite soldiers the skills to excel overseas”( The time spent training helps keeps these boys alive when they are overseas. The EOD class has a pt (physical training) test to even be looked at to be admitted into the school you must complete: a 500 yd swim in under 12 minutes, minimum of 50 pushups in 2 minutes, minimum of 5o situps in 2 minutes, minimum of 6 pull ups in 2 minutes and, run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes. But these are just the minimums and the cadets are expected to do much better than these

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