Myth Of Motherhood Essay

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Discuss how any two of the myths of motherhood in the textbook/lecture support or refute what is being discussed in this interview?
The two myth of motherhood that supports the information on this interview are “Motherhood is the ultimate fulfillment of a woman. It is natural and necessary experience for all women. Those who do not want to mother are psychologically disturbed and those who want to but cannot are fundamentally deprived” (Crawford, 2011, p.263). This myth supports the information on this interview because infertile couples or couples that have a hard time conceiving children fly to India from all over the world to hire women in India as surrogate mothers. Mother is the ultimate fulfillment of a woman and that is why couples …show more content…

In other countries where women are more educated material roles suffer more damage or even lead to divorce especially if the mother is a first time mother because their expectations are higher. “Studies of the transition to parenthood suggest that although most men are positive about the idea of becoming a father, some do not follow through with a fair share of the increased work” (Crawford, 2011, p.274). Motherhood also changes mothers who return to work. For many women this is very stressful because they feel with more responsibility. When you become a mother your schedule basically changes from a part time to a full time job or better yet a 24 hour on call every single day. “Woman who return to paid work have their own stresses, juggling many old and new demands” (Crawford, 2011, p.273). In India however, most woman don’t have a source of income other than their husbands and they are unable to provide education to their children which is why many women become surrogate mothers looking for a better future for their families. The point raised in the interview is very concerning because it talks about women who would like to hire a surrogate mother in the future to avoid pregnancy due to health or career purposes or better yet people who would …show more content…

However, there is one woman who had a baby girl named Surrany and after the “mother” came to pick her up to take her home she did admit she felt some sorrow at her separation due to the fact that she carried the baby girl for 9 months. As we saw in the video this woman was feeling concerned about the child and even said she would like know from her in the future. There are many factors that may contribute to postpartum depression especially to those who are new mothers. Some of “The psychosocial risk factors were being 16 years old or younger, having a past history of psychiatric illness, experiencing stressful life events during the pregnancy, being in an unhappy marriage, having little social support, having a vulnerable personality, and having a baby of the non-desired sex” (Crawford, 2011, p.283). Most women in this video have had several pregnancies because this is one of the prerequisites before becoming a surrogate mother therefore most don’t experience the postpartum depression discussed in our

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