My Mentor Research Paper

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Almost everyone in their life has had a mentor in their life. My mentor would be my dad. Throughout my life, my dad has helped me with a lot in life. He has taught me a lot of things since I was a child such as how to change the oil on a car and paint a room. These essential things would help me later in life when I get a new car or a house. When I was a child, he showed me how to ride a bike and tie my shoelaces. Without my dad, I wouldn’t be able to do these things. He’s like my Obi Wan Kanobi and I’m his Luke Skywalker. He is preparing me for when I go to college and face the real world without his help. He has been a key figure in my life that has shaped me to the person I am today. Not only has he helped me with a lot of things, he's taught

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