My First Love Essay

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The expression, " Life is like a roller coaster" is accurate since life is full of ups and downs. One day you 're doing great and another not so great. When you come across one of those awful days it 's usually because you had to overcome an obstacle, which is normal to go through.
I once had to overcome a heartbreak that really did take a toll on me. In life we get lucky enough to meet our first love, and it truly is a wonderful feeling. This happens usually at a young, which means that it isn 't forever. I met this guy who I’d do anything to see him happy. I would do his homeworks, projects and if he ever needed me he knew I was just a call away. I was that person in his life that was unconditional, and never said no to him. This all lasted for a good 3 years! I came to love him, but as time passed his love faded, he started to just use me and fool around with other girls. He had even left me a couple of times and all those times he had come back and i took him back not caring about all the sadness he made me feel. After those three years I had finally had it! I was so irritated with all the things he had done to me and i got so upset because it was the same game over and over again, and I decided to let all my feelings go, but it was difficult. At that point i was extremely attached to him, but knew I had to value and respect myself, …show more content…

I would cry myself to sleep for months and months, I cried so much that i was physically and mentally drained. It got so bad over time so much sadness it actually caused me to get sick, my mom had to take me to the doctor. I legitimately was going through a rough time, i wanted nothing to do with anyone and with anything, I had zero energy. Even though all this was happening to me, time was healing my

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