Music Personal Statement

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Music is and will always be my passion. The Art of Music has influenced my past, present an most certainly will my future. When i reminisce to when my love for music grew, i remember listening to my Mothers old CD's, which sparked a strong interest in the production of music, it drove me to start writing my own songs from a young age. This built a strong self-belief from a tender age,having the opportunity to perform in school and church on several occasions, helped me decide a career in music would be most fulfilling. My short term goal is too graduate with a respectable degree in Music

I've been blessed enough to have studied music technology + performance. Throughout secondary school then onto college. I've completed a different verity of projects which includes planning and running a live show, recording a small album based project containing a range of tracks ( Midi keyboard, Samples based music ).My academic spark to study music mainly started in college. This motivated me to go above and beyond to try my best, having had the freedom to express myself through my work was certainly the most satisfying part. Every assignment i had completed + the research involved allowed me store important information. Despite having a good educational background in music …show more content…

Working at strengthening my ability to use software such as Logic Pro,Cubase,Reason. I enjoy to working on my weaknesses along with my strengths, Singing + Song Writing is what comes most natural to me.

I completed a years placement in a recording company. Mainly working with different producers,engineers,recording artists. I learnt a lot from each individual i worked with,making sure i knew what inspired each person within the studio to make music....

where they got their musical influences from. But still seeking advice on how to improve myself + learn techniques they used to reach the next level of making

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