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Factors influencing motivation in education
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Although today’s culture is for students to sit, listen, and learn, Edmundson and Freire indicate that there are valuable rewards in provoking students to critically think and analyze the material provided, but say little about ways to keep students motivated. Further research indicates that motivation plays a significant part in keeping the interest and focus of students and teachers. Adjustments to educational culture are insignificant if strategies for increased motivation in the classrooms aren’t utilized. Instead of teachers presenting their material for students to relate it to the “real world”, the words seem detached, alien, and motionless; leaving the students to be receptacles that the teacher “fills”. Interestingly enough, Freire …show more content…
Are we encouraging them to be their best selves, or fit in and be like everyone else? Edmundson (2015) describes his students as desperately “trying to blend in, to look right, not to make a spectacle of themselves.” (Edmundson, 2015, p. 393) Edmundson (2015) also excitably describes a specific student, one that “is a singular…” (Edmundson, 2015, p. 391-392) Whose singularity doesn’t hold him back; it propels him forward. This student “decided to follow his interests and let them make him into a singular and rather eccentric man; in his charming way, he doesn’t mind being at odds with most anyone.” (Edmundson, 2015, p. 391-392) Motivating teachers and students to desire this type of attitude towards their learning experience will enable them to do more than listen, learn, repeat. “Students want to feel connected to and supported by their instructor, and when they feel this, students gain intrinsic motivation to learn.” (Sedden, & Clark, 2016) Sedden and Clark (2016) also explain that there is a significant potential for higher grades when the “instructor used humor, developed a rapport with the learners, provided an open atmosphere where students were free to ask questions and argue viewpoints, and exhibited high expectations of the students.” (Sedden, & Clark, 2016) Considering how important this factors into the learning experience, there should be more importance directed toward this improvement in the
Carol Gerber Allred (Allred, 2008) describes strategies for improving classroom climate related to learning for the students, while enforcing a set of classroom expectations, informing students of their positive actions, infusing intrinsic motivation, encouraging positive behavior, connecting with students’ families and community, and being positive yourself (Allred, 2008). These strategies align with the attributes described in indicator 1a to foster respect for diversity, establish rapport, promote risk-taking and establish high
How do teachers attempt to control the way you understand the world? Paulo Freire, author of “The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education”, declares that “Narration (with the teacher as the narrator) leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated content. Worse yet, it turns them into ‘containers,’ into ‘receptacles’ to be ‘filled’ by the teacher” (216). Freire’s statement implies that teaching utilizing the banking concept shifts the role of students as learners to robots that receive data and execute orders given by their programmers (teachers) but do not actually recognize the significance of the information. I agree with Freire 's interpretations because even though my role in high school was a student, my continuous encounters with banking
Any school curriculum should aim at enabling children to be able to think in broader terms, motivate them to want to be more knowledgeable and above all, allow them to come up with new approaches to problem solving. However, more too often teachers tend to limit the students to only the known facts in text books, something which prompts them to remain in their comfort zones. Additionally, the purpose of any formal education is not only to gain formal knowledge but also to gain social knowledge. Different teachers will have different approaches to achieve this. Despite the approach used, in the end of the day, they are expected to have involved and impacted positively on the different characters of children in their classrooms that is, the shy,
Do students need an education where the curriculum ensures specific skills are taught at certain ages? What if the student is lazy and is not capable of self-education? This essentially amounts to a student in an environment that consists of disorderly chaos and educational negligence that they control, right? For countless years, there has been prevalent public debate on the various alternatives to the typical education an American student receives; in particular, unschooling, a non-traditional educational philosophy that bases itself on activities chosen by the student as the principal method for learning. While it may seem impossible for students to gather knowledge without a firm educational regimen, “Unschooling” by Sherry Parmet provides
“Motivation is the process whereby goal-orientated activity is instigated and sustained” (Schunk, Pintrich & Meece, 2008. As cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p.284). Motivation comes in many forms and can be divided into two broad categories - extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivators are external factors which can motivate a student; rewards are an example of this. An issue with extrinsic motivators is that the desire for the learner to participate often lessens, once the rewards are withdrawn (McCullers, 1987). On the other hand intrinsic motivation comes from within - learning for the joy of it - where the desire to learn leads to a higher level of knowledge, and is a reward in itself. Kohn (1996, p.285) states that research suggests, “Rewards actually decrease interest in intrinsically motivating tasks, therefore sending the wrong message about learning” (as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010a)
Theoretical framework in this study consists about the content Motivation Theories and how it can be applies to Generation Y. The first part of theoretical frameworks analyses the motivation factor that influence Generation Y to work as hotel employee. Some motivations are contradictory in different articles. Second part describes content motivation theories and the need to adapt them to fit the characteristic of Generation Y. This part also includes suggestions on how to modify the theories to suit the needs of Generation Y.
Throughout history, motivation has been one of the components to survival. Motivation is needed to get up in the morning and go on about the day in order to survive. As humans began to evolve, so did society, which meant our drive and motivation were derived from different goals rather than one common one. Rather than depending on biological drive, humans started to depend on the system of rewarding the good behavior and punishing the bad. This operating is known as Motivation 2.0 (Pink, 2009). However, this method is flawed due to the fact that this implies that humans are no different from a herd of livestock.
Keller, John M. (2006). What Are the Elements of Learner Motivation? Retrieved July 4, 2011
“Motivation is a complex part of human psychology and behavior that influences how individuals choose to invest their time, how much energy they exert in any given task, how they think and feel about the task, and how long they persist at the task” (Urdan & Schoenfelder, 2006). The biggest question educators face in today’s classroom is what motivates a student to do something and why? Virtually all students are motivated in one way or another. Research of student motivation suggests a theory that emphasizes a social-cognitive perspective. The cognition of students regarding academic work are influenced by social factors, such as messages from the teacher about the difficulty of the task, the perceived abilities of classmates, and the information about the importance of learning the material (Urdan & Schoenfelder, 2006). In this paper the focus will primarily be on those elements within the classroom that influence student motivation and engagement.
The problem with schools today is that individuality is not allowed in the system and that damages each student whether anyone realizes it or not. These authors presented in this essay have given multitude of examples as to how conformity is not needed and not effective. Schools should allow more individuality in not only each student's personality but in their learning as well. By doing this, the American education system will improve by a significant amount and the student success rate will sky rocket.
It is first important to understand how motivation works in the classroom. There are infinite procedures teachers use to achieve desired effects from their students, but there are general patterns these motivational tools follow. In order for teachers to communicate with their students, they must identify with their needs on an individual basis (Gawel, 1997). This proposal is much akin to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which states five basic needs that must be met in order to achieve full motivation. These needs, in ascending order, are as follows: physiological, security, love and belongingness, esteem and self-respect, and self-actualization (Gawel, 1997). Each of these needs details a very important issue in motivation inside the classroom and out.
As you enter the red bricked school building on the first day, you do not know who your teacher will be. It could be a tall, old, young or nasty woman or man. But you always try to make yourselves presentable, since the first impression is always the last. Some students come, sit with their heads down, and speak nothing for the period. Others just disperse in the back posting pictures on instagram of their first day of school. However the not so ordinary student introduces themselves, tells the class what they did over the summer, and starts asking teacher questions even before the teacher has taught the lesson. They stand out from the rest. By the end of the day, the teacher has already figured out who the “perfect student” is.
Pintrich, P. R. (2004). A conceptual framework for assessing motivation and self-regulated learning in college students. Educational Psychology Review, 16(4), 385-407.
Motivation is really important tool in a learning environment. Also motivation effects student learning and their behavior as well. It directs behavior towards particular targets. Also it effect the decision which students takes. In motivation mainly we have two types which is intrinsically and extrinsically being motivated. For example: when a student is intrinsically motivated they just do it for themselves not because of the reward that they will get back. It’s just because they have their own interest and they enjoy doing that. On the other side, when a student is extrinsically motivated they just do it for the reward that they will get. That’s why in learning process it’s important that each student should
In many cases, it has become very complex to keep students interested in their education. So the teacher must be creative and find ways to keep pushing the student onward as well as upward. In order to devise the ultimate plan for educating students, a teacher must acknowledge that the “students” are what teaching is all about. The most important factor in the equation is unequivocally the STUDENT! All humans are different in some sort or fashion. But the fact still exists that we all have only this place to function in. So help by putting forth an effort to make it a better place for us all.