Motivación y Recompensas
La definición más completa de la motivación dice que es una serie de procesos individuales que estimula una conducta para beneficio propio, colectivo ó laboral. La motivación puede ser tanto positiva como negativa y puede ser tanto personal como laboral y muchas veces una va de la mano de la otra. La motivación puede ser:
(a) Extrínseca: el dinero, posición, poder. (b) Intrínseco: motivación personal, se realiza únicamente por interés o por el placer de realizarla. La función de esta necesidad psicológica es la de impulsar al ser humano a mejorar y a dominar su entorno. Esta nos sirve para conseguir metas más difíciles, pues son necesidades psicológicas.
La motivación es de importancia para cualquier área; sí se aplica en el ámbito laboral, se puede lograr que los empleados motivados, se esfuercen por tener un mejor desempeño en su trabajo. Una persona satisfecha que estima su trabajo, lo transmite y disfruta de atender a sus clientes; si eso no es posible, al menos lo intentará. La motivación consiste fundamentalmente en mantener culturas y valores corporativos que conduzcan a un alto desempeño, por tal motivo se debe pensar ¿qué puede hacer para estimular a los individuos y a los grupos a dar lo mejor de ellos mismos?, en tal forma que favorezca tanto los intereses de la organización como los suyos propios.
Las personas que trabajan en las organizaciones lo hacen en espera de ciertas expectativas y resultados, y están dispuestos a dedicarse al trabajo, a cumplir las metas y los objetivos de la organización si esto le deja algún beneficio significativo por su esfuerzo y dedicación. Nadie trabaja de gratis. Cada empleado se interesa en invertir trabajo, dedicación y esfuerzo personal, conocimientos y habilidades si recibe una retribución adecuada. Las organizaciones tienen que proyectar sistemas de recompensas capaces de aumentar el compromiso de las personas en los negocios de la organización. Las organizaciones se interesan en invertir en compensaciones para las personas si reciben contribuciones que estén al alcance de sus objetivos.
Los nuevos sistemas de pago toman muchas formas diferentes que recorren desde pago variable a pagos basados en la habilidad y la competencia (Heneman & Gresham, 1998). Estas nuevas formas de pago han surgido en respuesta a cambios fundamentales en la naturaleza del trabajo (Heneman, Ledford, & Gresham, 2000). Estos cambios fundamentales
La teoría del aprendizaje entiende que la personalidad está determinada por las experiencias externas, por el ambiente, mientras las otras tres escuelas del pensamiento la ven como formada en nuestro interior, surgiendo de necesidades, impulsos y características innatas.
In Psychology, various different explanations of behaviour and the intellect have been presented and debated over the years such as the psychodynamic, behavioral, biological and humanistic approach. The biological approach aims to provide explanation is concerned with how behaviour is affected by physiological systems and mechanisms (Barnes, 2013). This approach assumptions usually explore physiological and evolutionary explanations to behaviour. In opposition to this, the Psychoanalytic approach presents an explanation to psychological occurrence by exploring
What is motivation? According to text, motivation is defined as a set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior, usually toward a certain goal. Motivation is the energy that makes us do things: this is a result of our individual needs being satisfied so that we have inspiration to complete the mission. These needs vary from person to person as everybody has their individual needs to motivate themselves. Depending on how motivated we are, it may further determine the effort we put into our work and therefore increase the standard of the productivity. There have been a wide variety of theories about motivation developed over the years. Several are drive-reduction theory, arousal theory, psychosocial (both incentive and cognitive) theory, and Maslow’s H...
It took a bit of thought to come up with something that I could change about myself in this project. I do not mean there are not things to change, there definitely are. But, I find myself usually catering to my family when it comes to my behavior, their wants and needs. I decided to try to make my mornings more efficient with the way I start the day because that usually is the only time I have to myself. I chose to drink more water and do yoga each morning to center myself. I was hoping that by doing so would also help with weight loss without focusing strictly on that.
Motivation can be most commonly defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. However, motivation according to Daniel H. Pink in his book Drive can be explained in several different ways. Motivation for me differs from these explanations as it is not only about rewards and punishment, but also about self-gratification. An example of something that personally motivates me in my endeavors is becoming successful in the future.
You all desire to be motivated but do you know what motivation is properly. The dictionary defines motivation this way:
The variation between Psychofunctionalism and Functionalism brings forth a difference in specifying outputs and inputs. Functionalists are restricted to specification of outputs and inputs that constitutes common-sense knowledge; Psychofunctionalists are not bound by such restrictions. Whereas both sides lay emphasis on physical specification outputs and inputs, Functionalists are keen on classifications that are externally observable. Psychofunctio...
Motivation "in a particular job and the employee contribution behavior” is defined as the basic
Psychodynamic has it’s meaning in the root word ‘psyche’, a person’s unconscious part. In a less
It is my intention in this essay to explore some issues around motivation and cite work based experiences to illustrate and substantiate any arguments or points of view.
Las decisiones que toma una empresa pueden beneficiar o perjudicar a toda una comunidad, dado que gran parte de la comunidad forma parte de su estructura, ya sea como proveedores, consumidores o incluso trabajadores. Una empresa con responsabilidad busca el bienestar social y medioambiental con las prácticas que en ella se ...
Motivation is key in the workplace. It is developed from the collaboration of both conscious and unconscious principles such as the strength of desire or need, motivating force or reward estimation of the objective, and desires of the person and of his or her peers/co-workers. These elements are the reasons one has for carrying on a specific way. An illustration is an understudy that invests additional energy contemplating for a test since he or she needs a superior review in the class. The Inside and outside principles that animate want and vitality in individuals to be constantly intrigued and centered around their work, part or subject, or to try to achieve an objective.
Motivation in the workplace is affected by several factors as each employee has his or her own individuality, such as desire for money, success,
Motivation is an important function in organizations to motivate their employees for their ability to perform well, improving their skills, increasing productivity, job satisfaction and employee extension. Employees also are not a machines that we could just program their task in their brain and they will do it automatically, they require motivation to actually do their job properly. And so, after discussing the process models of the Maslow’s “Hierarchy of needs”, Douglas McGregor theory X and Y, and also the Herzberg’s “two factor motivation hygiene theory.” understanding the ways of motivating people, the human nature, and the substance of nature. I believe that the true motivation can only come from within and also managers can actually motivate all of their employees.
Motivation, as defined in class, is the energy and commitment a person is prepared to dedicate to a task. In most of organisations, motivation is one of the most troublesome problems. Motivation is about the intensity, direction and persistence of reaching a goal. During the class, we have learned a substantial theories of motivation and many theories of motivations are used in real business. Each theory seems to have different basic values. But, they all have been analysed for one reason, recognising what motivates and increases the performance of employees. Ident...