Military Career Research Paper

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In this country, going to the military is a career young people pick coming out of high school. But it’s not a mandatory career. It’s a career some people want to do to fight for their country. People volunteers to be in the military not force to be in there. So I think the United States should not have a similar policy as the other countries. Everybody have their own rights and the freedom of speech to say and do whatever they want. Some people might think the careers they want to do make more money than the military. Last, you have a choice to commit to the military in the United States. First, teenagers starting thinking about what they want to do in life by their senior year. But in other countries, coming out of senior everybody already know what they’re force to do when they finish high school. In United States, we have a choice on what we want to do for our careers. There would be a big riot if young people are force to go into the …show more content…

If you go to the military at a young age, you’re going to think like a young person. So being young, you going to want lots of money to spend it on everything you want. With being in the military is a job and it’s not easy to do. You’ll want all the money to get all the clothes, games, and etc. There are many careers in this world people do to make lots of money. So being in the military can hold you back from making the money you really want in life. So that policy should not run in the United States. In addition, people who’s in the navy, marines, army, and other branches committed to be in those branches. They choose to fight for their country. They volunteered to be on the front line and serve their country. It’s good if people start at a young age to know what to do once they get older. But it’s also dangerous, because some people don’t like violence. In the military, all you hear is gun shots and explosions everywhere, especially if you’re on the battle

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