Micromanaging In The Workplace

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“Micromanagement is a form of authoritarian leadership” (McConnell, 2014, p. 212). Many supervisors micromanage their employees because they believe employees are not able to function without their direct and constant supervision. Micromanagers think that if they do not control everything either mistakes will happen, or work will not be done. Supervisors who micromanage do not trust their employees, and they are certain that workers are not capable of making decisions on their own. Some supervisors micromanage because they are not familiar with the other types of the management, and they believe that micromanaging is what managers are supposed to do. Another reason contributing to micromanaging is the sense of power; it is one of the strongest …show more content…

This category of managers are more comfortable with their old job and cannot let go of it. Therefore, they stay in the operational zone and try to do everything their way, which ends up to micromanaging people. This type of managers cannot rely on people to get the job done, and they want things to be done their way (Ashkenas, 2011). Moreover, micromanaging can stem from the pressure of the organization to increase productivity. Some organizations put their primary emphasis on productivity, and they set unrealistic goals and push managers to meet those goals. Managers in return force employees to produce more, and in doing so, they guide employees every step of the way to achieve the desired productivity. Sometimes the workload forces the managers to micromanage to get the things done on time. In the long run, supervisors who try to lead employees by micromanaging will face a failure. Employees do not like to be told and supervised every step of their work, and they react to such management. Many employees prefer to have a level of autonomy and do certain tasks in a certain way that they want. However, when that freedom of act is taken away by a micromanager, employees become less productive because they see the rules by the manager as a barrier to performing their

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