Summary: The Leader-Follower Relationship

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There are those that suggest leaders are born, while others contend that leadership itself is a learned art. When researching or simply asking several leaders or followers to define leadership, although some responses may be similar it is highly unlikely that that they will be the same. There are a countless definitions used when attempting to delineate what leadership is. A universal definition of the word does not exist, as the concept of leadership can be very elusive and complex. However, for the purpose of this research effort leadership is defined as “the influencing process between leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change” (Lussier & Achua, 2015, p.5). It is important to note that the leader-follower relationship is a reciprocal process as followers also influence leaders. This is not to be confused with managing, as there is a clear distinction between the two. …show more content…

Not all managers are leaders. There are managers that are not effective leaders, just as there are leaders that do not have a clue how to manage. Typically, a manager denotes a position whereas a leader can be someone who simply influences regardless of title or position. Warren Bennis, a pioneer in leadership studies explains that managers “do things right” and leaders “do the right thing” (Bennis, 1982). Managers have a fiduciary relationship normally requiring them to ensure the process or routine is maintained. Where managers produce

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