May I Feel Said He Poem Analysis

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Everyone has relationships. Some are platonic and some are romantic. One of the most sacred relationships is marriage. Marriage is a union of trust, but sometimes there are reasons when that is broken. Infidelity can damage relationships and change them. Once you cheat on your significant other, your new lover holds the power of a dark secret over you. E.E. Cummings show that relationship dynamics change quickly through his use of form in his poem “may i feel said he”.
The poem is considered a narrative poem because it is the storyline is about the relationship between the man and the woman. The scansion of the poem is iambic tetrameter, pentameter, and hexameter. E. E. Cummings switched back and forth between meters inside each stanza. However, the stanzas in the poem are quatrain and that remains the same throughout the entire poem.
The poem “may i feel said he” is about a man taking his relationship with his lover to the next level. The author takes the reader on a journey of a little flirtation. Things begin to heat up with kissing and touching. Eventually things take a turn become sexual. At the end it is revealed that their relationship now has different meaning to the man and the woman. The meaning to the man is different from how the women feels the relationship is now being defined. The …show more content…

After reading the poem the title is confirmed that he is doing something inappropriate, but it is far from innocent. This also helps to show that the relationship that the man and the woman have is inappropriate. The title allows you to feel like nothing serious is going to happen, but as you read you realize it is something very serious. The title also adds to making the poem more interesting by making readers want to know what the man wants to feel. Additionally, the innocence of the title makes the type of relationship being revealed more

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