Matthew 17: 1-17

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Matthew 17:1-13
In Matthew chapter 17 we discuss the transformation of Jesus and what takes place on the mountain. It all begins in which ever book you are reading so either on the sixth or eight day Jesus then takes Peter, James, John and his brother and guides them to a high mountain to pray and where Jesus was transformed before them. Jesus was transformed into a pure figure, his face was like the sun and his clothes were white as the light. The images of Moses and Elijah suddenly appear before the disciples and spoke to them. Peter then ask Jesus if it was safe for them to be there on the mountain; and Peter then proceeded to ask Jesus if he wished that he could provide three places of shelter one for him, one for Moses, and …show more content…

Moses, the lawgiver, and Elijah, the greatest prophet of the monarchical period, are here privileged to talk with Jesus. According to Luke 9:31, they discussed Jesus' imminent redemptive death. In Matthew 17:5-6, we hear the words, "This is my Son." These words from heaven showed the disciples just how foolish Peter's suggestion (Matt. 17:4) was, and the disciples began to realize just who it was they had been traveling with - God in the flesh! (John 1:1-2, 18). "My Son, whom I love" is a designation, given earlier at Jesus' baptism (Matt. 3:17) and means "unique, one and only son"; it is synonymous with the familiar "only begotten" (cf. John 3:16). "Listen to him!" The Word of God spoken through Moses and the prophets pointed to Jesus. Now the final word was being spoken by God's Son (Heb. 1:1-4). BC 7, 10. "When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. "Get up," he said. "Don't be afraid." When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus" (Matt. 17:6-8). Compare this to Jesus walking on the Sea Galilee (Matt. 14:22-36): (1) they saw Jesus, (2) they feared, and Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus, (3) Jesus touched Peter's hand, (4) they worshiped him and beheld his

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