Quotes From Night By Elie Wiesel

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* Psalm 130:7; “O Israel, (you), put your hope in the LORD: for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” That sounds more like Jesus’ command to Peter; could it be that this man tapped into Peter’s account?
* Luke 22:32; “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
That was Jesus in the gospel of Luke giving Peter some cogent instructions on what to do, and how to take charge after His exit. But did Peter get that? An out-right yes or no answer will not be enough here; but please join me as we take a walk on this issue together.
And Peter returned from the sepulcher, and he told all these things to all the eleven, and also to all the rest. …show more content…

Look past their long flowing hair in the rough wind and catch a glimpse of their faces and you will see the effect of a wasted night.
If it were only a night, that won’t be much problem; but many have wasted their weeks, months, and even years in aimless toils. The tired eyes tell the story very well. These men have toiled all night on the Sea of Galilee and have caught absolutely nothing. It was Simon Peter who first offered the suggestion which, I believe, was supposed to be an escape route to divert attention from the event of the day; their visit to the sepulcher.
It was apparently hoped that the escape would help them forget the agony of the Master’s crucifixion, and also escape the hubbub surrounding His resurrection. It would afford them some time for a much needed diversion by doing something they enjoyed and were familiar with. After all, they had just spent the past few days in a terrain which was terribly unfamiliar to them. Therefore, when Peter announced: I go fishing; it would sound like a great idea to them all; the disciple all agreed without objection whatsoever.
When we are disconnected with God going a fish of sex sometimes become inevitable, how do you handle frustration and disappointment of …show more content…

For them, this was more than a sport or diversion; it had been their livelihood and, of course, they were not content going out to sea and returning empty handed. This particular morning, on their way back to the shore, it was obvious to anyone taking a close look that the night’s expedition had not produced what they had hoped for.
But after hours of toiling and failure, it turned out that Jesus the Savior was patiently waiting for them on the shore. That sounds pretty good, a very significant moment I should say. It must have been a comfort and reassurance for them to know, just as we should too, of the only Savior who will always meet us even after we have failed; and make no mistake about this, please. Today, Jesus still waits on the shoreline of human disappointments, offering hope and second chance to all who will but accept it.
When Peter and the others were still in the boat, Jesus called out to them. Even before they ever made it to dry land, he asked them: “have you caught anything?” Disappointed, they simply answered, ‘no’. There were no small talks, no explanation on why, no opinion offered, no discussion of the sea’s turbulent condition, or how the wind or stars or some other element may have kept them from catching any fish that night; just a simple and concise

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