Biblical Miracles Essay

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A miracle is a supernatural force that surpasses natural or scientific laws and as a result, it cannot be explained by any logical reasons; and therefore, is regarded to be caused of a divine deity. The four main groups of Biblical miracles are: 1) A miracle must be caused by God 's power; 2) A miracle is an exception to the way things usually happen; 3) The exception to the way things usually happen is temporary; 4) God performs miracles to demonstrate his power (Apologetics 6.21.1).
Firstly, a miracle that can only be caused by God’s power can refer to numerous performances done by God from the beginning of the Bible to the end. For instance, the Book of Genesis speaks of God’s divine accomplishment with regards to the miraculous steps of creation (Genesis 1-2:3). Secondly, when a man (Lazarus) passed away from an unknown illness and was dead for four days, Jesus resurrected Lazarus; a miraculous act demonstrated by Jesus Christ (John 11:1-53). This miracle was an exception to nature laws. Thirdly, there are abundant miracles that were accomplished that was a temporary exception to the way things usually happen, such as when Jesus
However, real, credible miracles are truly and highly understated happenings that are frequently overlooked by non-religious individuals and by scientific (or lack of) evidence. Causality is “the principle that nothing can happen without being caused.” ( Every effect has to have a cause and by this theory, it can be assumed that miracles are not merely phenomena resulting from natural processes, no, miracles are God-ordain acts. “Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” (New International Version, Ps.

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