Comparing God's Presence In Gospel Of Matthew And The Book Of Exodus

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God uses Jesus to help the population in all different ways. Jesus helps the blind see, he clothes the poor, and overall, can cure anyone who is worthy. God shows his presence through Jesus so the people of earth have someone to follow. Even today we see God work his wonders even without the presence of Jesus. God shows miracles which no one would believe if they were not reality. God’s presence in the world is mediated through nature and reality as seen in the readings of The Gospel of Matthew and The Book of Exodus. The Gospel of Matthew, shows examples of God’s presence being shown through nature. Jesus gets on a boat and the disciples follow behind him. A storm quickly approaches. The waves begin to flood the boat while Jesus is sleeping, but the disciples decide to wake him. They cry to him for help, saying the boat is sinking. Jesus is not scared though. He wonders why the disciples do not have faith. Jesus got up, showed disapproval of the storm, and then the sea and air was calm. The disciples were in awe (Matthew 8:23-27). This is a clear example of how God’s presence is shown through …show more content…

This is evident in The Gospel of Matthew as well as The Book of Genesis. In The Gospel of Matthew, God shows his presence through Jesus and the storm by stopping a windy storm when the disciples were in trouble. Also, he shows his presence through Jesus by enabling him to walk on water. In addition, God shows himself through Jesus when Jesus fed five thousand people with a small amount of food. Finally, God shows his presence in The Gospel of Matthew through Jesus by resurrecting him so he can live reality again and help out people in need. God also shows his company through The Book of Genesis because God is seen through all of his creations throughout nature. Also, God is seen through Humans and the reality they live. Humans were created to do good for the world as God does good for

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