Benchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials
There are several aspects to consider when exploring the Christian worldview. There are many facets or denominations and they each have their own distinct beliefs and practices, but they all share the same fundamental beliefs. In this Paper we will explore the character of God, His creation, humanity and its nature, Jesus’ significance to the world, and the restoration of humanity, as well as my beliefs and the way that I interact with Christianity and my personal worldview.
In the Christian worldview God is the one and only God. He is the sovereign creator of everything. A wonderful description of the nature of God’s existence that includes the absolute possession of characteristics that have
First, I have a daily centering prayer practice, where I sit for 15 to 20 minutes in the morning in silence with the intention of opening to the presence of God and his action within. I find that this practice gives me an opportunity to center my attention on becoming receptive to God and has created in me an appreciation for prayer in which I say nothing and rely on Grace to be the catalyst for my experience and transformation, not my doing or saying the right thing. I also like to follow the liturgical season and participate in the experience of the journey of Jesus. Even though giving up something like TV for lent may not be on par with the suffering and temptation of Jesus, it does give each of us an opportunity to short circuit our devices of comfort and distraction and feel the pull of temptation. So, for each season I try to interact with its appropriate aim. Lectio Divina, is another way that I am exploring the scriptures and allowing for God to communicate with me in a new way. Reading a verse or passage, then letting go of trying to interact with the reading, but instead allowing it to wash over me and reveal a word, phrase, or experience and then repeating it a few times really allows the Bible to communicate with me new truths each time I read. Finally, I try to be a good neighbor. I am afraid that I have a long way to go in regard to being a good friend or a good
This was God’s plan all along and allows us to perceive God’s unconditionally loving nature as the foundation of our being, our existence, and our gift as saved humanity. Even though we are unworthy in our hearts and actions we are given this gift through God’s grace and sacrifice. The ways that I attempt to interact with God is through following Christ’s experience in the way of liturgical ceremony, centering prayer, Lectio Divina, and trying to love others as God
Christianity falls under the category of Theism, which is the belief in only one personal god. Christian worldview believes that God sent humanity His only son so that we can learn about God and how He wants us to act. Jesus is crucified later in His life on a cross, which relieved us from losing a relationship with God due to our sins. When analyzing the Christian worldview, we learn that God came to earth in human form as Jesus Christ to experience life with humanity and restore earth back to harmony. In this paper I will discuss God, Jesus, and humanity individually, how restoration will occur, and finally, analyze and reflect on the Christian worldview.
In Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcy's essay, "Worldviews in Conflict," the authors evaluate the shifting cultural context of today's society and how Christianity fits into this situation. The essay compares the differing views between Christianity and today's worldview, and informs the reader on how to engage in today's culture. The "Worldviews in Conflict" is a reliable source because its authors, audience, publication, and purpose make it credible.
The foundation of a Christian worldview is the belief in a personal God, creator and ruler of the universe. The Christian worldview views the world through God’s word, providing the framework for humanity to live by giving meaning and purpose to life. It defines who Jesus is, human nature, and how salvation is achieved. In essence it is the basis of which Christians behave, interact, interpret life and comprehend reality. A Christian worldview imparts confidence, answers to life’s problems, and hope for the future. In this paper I will discuss the essentials of a Christian worldview and an analysis of the influences, benefits, and difficulties sustaining the Christian faith.
This paper is written to discuss the many different ideas that have been discussed over the first half of Theology 104. This class went over many topics which gave me a much better understanding of Christianity, Jesus, and the Bible. I will be addressing two topics of which I feel are very important to Christianity. First, I will be focusing on the question did Jesus claim to be God? This is one of the biggest challenges of the Bibles that come up quite often. Secondly, I will focus on character development.
Recognizing God is a part of our vocation within community can be confusing for us, how can we serve God in the different venues of our life when the world teaches such differing views? We are encouraged to share our witness, testimony, and service within our families, workplace, and our social settings. Family includes the household within our life touching upon each role parent, child, and spouse. It becomes acceptable to compartmentalize the areas of our life and serve in comfortable areas. Consumerism and societal pressures challenge us to withdraw from the Spirit when we feel intimidated, out of place, or even unworthy of God’s involvement in our life. We are called to be “the salt of the earth”, accepting the challenge to unite God’s calling upon our whole-life. According to Migliore, “United in Christ by the power of the Spirit we are one community; we are members of one body and mutually dependent on one another. Recognizing God works with all areas of community unites families, workplace, and social settings together.
The Christian worldview emphasizes on one absolute God who is eternal and sacred. The origins that Christians follow is written in Genesis 1, proclaiming God spoke and created the world. God then created man in the image of God.
When the church and its ministries are disconnected from God’s narrative, they become subject to the whims of culture. Similarly, if Christians are to recover the Christian narrative, they must first disabuse themselves of civil religion. Christians shall not accommodate God’s narrative to privatism and consumerism. To conclude, God’s narrative must not be blithely recited as a litany of words. Instead, Christians must recover the profound original interpretation of God’s narrative. If this ancient narrative is recovered, Christians will once again be able to speak to the world about its own history and tell the truth about the triune God. Finally, Christians must unlearn and unravel the cultural accommodations embraced by the church in order to release the full power and impact on God’s
If God did not exist, he would not be the greatest being imaginable. He is the greatest thing imaginable. Therefore, he does exist. From this argument, God’s existence is viewed. as necessary (Ayer. A. J. 1973).
The Christian worldview is centered on the Gospel and places their beliefs in the essential teachings of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead (DiVincenzo, 2015). This paper will explain who God is and what he created, what our purpose and nature is as humans, who Jesus was and what he did while on earth, how God plans to bring his people back into the right relationship with himself, and as a Christian how one is to live their life with an analysis of the Christian worldview.
The conception of God in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is monotheism, the belief in the existence of a single indivisible God. The three of religions maintains that there is only one God, who is active in and concerned about the world. These religions are also patriarchal, male-dominated, which has resulted in God being described as “He.” However, how Christians, Judaism and Islam conceptualize God in their respective theologies is actually quite different. In Christianity, God is the supreme creator and ruler of the universe. Christians believe God is infinite, omnipotent, all-powerful, perfect, personal, eternal, unchanging, holy, all-knowing, and all-loving. Their idea of God is shown in the belief of the Trinity. God is one, but with three aspects: God is Father, the creator, ruler, and sustainer of all life, and divine judge; God is the Son, who is Jesus, God made incarnate and savior of humanity; and the Holy Spirit, who is God working in the world. Both Muslims and Christians love and respect Jesus, however, the major difference between Islam and Christianity is the Christians insistence on the supposed divinity of Christ. In Christian scriptures, God never claimed divinity while the emphasis in the Islamic theology of God is “absolute unity;” God is sublimely one. Muslims think that by believing in the Trinity, Christians believe in three Gods. For them, God is One God. Judaism views the existence of God as a necessary prerequisite for the existence of the universe, and the existence of the universe is sufficient proof of the existence of God.
Lane, T. (2006). A concise history of christian thought (Completely ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
One common perception of God is that God is not so much a being, but according to seventeenth century philosopher Benedict Spinoza, that "God is everything, identical to the universe itself." That is to say that God is a part of all humans, all animals, all objects, and all matter in the universe. This particular view is called pantheism, which is literally defined to mean that there is no God, but only the combined forces and laws that are manifested in the existing universe. According to Spinoza, we are each and all an integral part of God, not as individuals or even humanity as a whole but as an integral part of what Spinoza called the "One Substance." He also believed that we are each and all components of some greater being, a being so unimaginably large that we are each nothing more than tiny parcels of matter in that being's blood.
His book presents three main perspectives on Christology (biblical, historical, and contemporary). He attempts to combine classical views and contextual views of Christology.
W. Andrew Hoffecker. Building a Christian World View, vol. 1: God, man, and Knowledge. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Phillipsburg, New Jersey : 1986.
The worlds have various beliefs and practices that are considered important to them when it comes to religious standpoints. While there are many people that only believe in one God this makes them monotheistic and there are others that in more than one God and this makes them polytheistic. With the history of religion this concept refers to the record of human ideas as well as experiences which vary across the world with various religions. Many religious beliefs have been taught for generations and passed on evolving with time. This definition of religion covers all the aspects generally discussed when religion is evaluated. My paper will discuss the definition of what religion means, the experiences across the world and