Trinity Essays

  • The Trinity Of The Trinity

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Trinity is the Christian Godhead as one God in three persons. The three beings are God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. They are three beings in perfect relationship in one essence. Each member of the Godhead are equally important, but serve different positions in authority. [5 The three beings are uncreated beings without beginning. The three different names are not separate parts of God, but one name for God because the three beings coexist as one entity. They are inseparable and

  • The Trinity

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    Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Chris, The Nature of God and the Trinity, Revelation and Salvation. The Divinity and Humanity of Jesus or Christ’s divinity is shown over and over again in the New Testament. Questions arose over time asking

  • Trinity

    1168 Words  | 3 Pages

    age old idea of the Trinity? For all of time we have understood the three individual person’s in God, the Trinity, to be one in the same. The teaching of the Christian church tells us that God is three unique and separate people’s, but they are at the same time all one person in God. Now people have many different ways to picture or represent the idea of three people as one. The trial of history has come up with many different ideas and images to try and represent the Trinity. Like many things that

  • Trinity In Religion

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    As I spoke to different people regarding Trinity the majority knew who God was but did not fully understand the fullness of God. Understanding the Trinity as God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit comes with a willingness for one to come to know Him but also comes as a gift from God for He allows us to know him as well. As it is stated in 1 Corinthians 2:10, “but it is to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit” (NLT). Even with God’s will to reveal himself to people, one needs a

  • The Trinity Controversy

    1600 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Trinity which incorporates the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit was a matter of controversy in the earlier days of the church. This led to many debates, not for its validity but on the way, the Trinity was supposed to be understood. This was very important because Christianity is a monotheistic religion, but the Trinity is accepted as having three members of the Godhead. Fundamental things like this needed to be settled in order for Christians to be able to spread the religion confidently

  • The Doctrine of the Trinity

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    by the Christian faith, perhaps none is more confusing. The Doctrine of the Trinity has been questioned for decades and many Christians do not even understand it. Colin E. Gunton argues that this does not have to be so. Instead, he calls the Western Church to learn from Eastern Orthodoxy and allow Trinitarian thinking to permeate every aspect of the church. It is when the Western Church embarrasses “The Forgotten Trinity” (the name of the chapter) in thinking and in worship, that we not only learn

  • Trinity Essay

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    Quid Sit: What is the Trinity of Persons? “The Mosaic Revelation, as compared with the cosmic revelation, represents a great advance in the knowledge of the true God; but it represents, nevertheless, nothing more than a stage” (Danielou, 121). This revelation reveals to us the term Trinity of Persons. The trinity of Persons is the mystery of God. The trinity is composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three elements of the trinity are also seen as one. The oneness in three

  • Trinity Church

    1521 Words  | 4 Pages

    Trinity Church Henry Hobson Richardson designed his most famous building, Trinity Church in Copley Square, after winning a competition in 1972. James O’Gorman described Trinity as “a cultural even of the first importance in American history.” “The building both represents a departure of the Boston’s mind from its Puritan past, and emergence of American creativity as a force in architecture.” Born in 1838, Richardson was raised just outside New Orleans and surrounded by the colorful stucco buildings

  • Belief In The Trinity

    506 Words  | 2 Pages

    In what way does belief in the Trinity help Christians to go below the surface of their faith? Belief in the Trinity helps Christians to delve much deeper into their faith in many ways. The Trinity is described as being the ‘oxygen of the Christian faith’, the part that ‘upholds’ the entire faith (Mcgrath:99). Belief and awareness of the Trinity allows Christians to see the ‘bigger picture of God’, it allows them to expand their minds to take in God rather than simplifying God in a way that is

  • Understanding The Trinity

    1322 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the Trinity is one of the most difficult aspects of Christian Theology” to understand. It is a common experience in modern church life to hear God referred to as God, one in nature, comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Anatolios, Khaled, 2011). For many modern Christian’s, despite being deeply written into Jesus’ commands and promises, The Trinity is often disregarded or not engaged with, due to the challenges in understanding it in all of its complexity. Yet the Trinity remains

  • Analysis Of The Trinity

    721 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is the Trinity? Is written by RC Sproul and gives historical and philosophical context as to the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sproul starts the book with a look into what monotheism is and how religion has evolved. He explains all religions evolved from animism to polytheism, henotheism, and then monotheism. There has been much debate since then as to whether the bible is monotheistic and what the origins of monotheism were. Other than where, when, and with whom monotheism

  • The Doctrine of the Trinity

    879 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Trinity The doctrine of the Trinity, as seen in the Christian bible, is primary to the Christian faith. The word “Trinity” does not actually appear in the bible; it is a theological label meant to summarize certain teachings of certain passages of scripture, and is crucial to properly understand what God is like, how He relates to us, and how we relate to Him. It may also raise many difficult questions including what does it mean that God is a Trinity? While it is difficult for us to fully understand

  • The Trinity Research Paper

    1886 Words  | 4 Pages

    to Augustine, anyone who denies the Trinity is in danger of losing her salvation, but anyone who tries to understand the Trinity is in danger of losing her mind” (Olson & Hall, 2002, p. 1). The Trinity is an important doctrine of the Christian faith but is extremely complex and difficult to understand. McGrath describes it as, “The doctrine of the Trinity is widely regarded as one of the most difficult aspects of Christian theology” (2017, p. 299). The Trinity is essential to the Christian faith

  • Monotheism And The Trinity Essay

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    together what is now known as the Holy Trinity. The Church found their foundational text in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, known as the Shema. These verses are about Israel worshipping God, repeatedly saying “the LORD alone”. Israel had faced many struggles, from slavery to years and years of Growing up, I was always taught to use a soft pretzel to symbolize the Trinity. The dough is all rolled in one giant, long string. This symbolized the inseparable nature of the Trinity. Next, the dough was twisted to make

  • The Mystery Of The Holy Trinity

    1128 Words  | 3 Pages

    Holy Spirit. In this paper, I wish to express the mystery of the Holy trinity, from the past to now in the present. Knowing that the promise and the mystery of God, is still the same since the start of time, till now, and to the end of the world. So to begin, we understand that our God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. There are so many scriptures that display these attributes in his word. When we talk about the Trinity we mean Tri-union or Triune, which means threeness in oneness. Before

  • The Church of the Trinity

    890 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Church and the Trinity 1st Corinthians 3 Chapter four addresses the divisions within the Corinthian church, such as jealousy, quarrelling and their defective view of the church. The apostle Paul links their view of the church to church leadership stating “If they had a true view of the church, they would have a true view of the leaders of the church” (p79). The situation was that their view was lower for the church and higher for the leaders thus they were boasting about the leaders. Paul’s

  • The Forgotten Trinity Summary

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the article “The Forgotten Trinity”, a segment of Colin E. Gunton’s book Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, he targets a problem with the practice of the Trinity in the Church today. Gunton believes that the church has strayed from the essential tradition that it ought to follow- a culture solidified on not just one person of the trinity but all three. He makes this view clear with lines such as “Once upon a time we were a deeply Trinitarian culture”(4), and with questions such as “Is the worship

  • The Holy Trinity: Masaccio

    2278 Words  | 5 Pages

    found in most of his work, such as “The Tribute Money” found inside the Brancacci chapel, but the best example of his style is found not far from the Brancacci chapel in Florence. Found inside the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella is “The Holy Trinity.” As innovative as this painting is to the development of art, there are more intriguing aspects to study than just what techniques he used to create this master piece. Today we consider and brand Masaccio as a master, but this was not always the

  • History of the doctrine of the Trinity

    1538 Words  | 4 Pages

    demonstrates and explains the full doctrine of the Trinity and thus it has been the intention of theologians and the early church doctrines to try to render an understanding to the enigma of ‘One God’ (Fortman, 1972).The slow evolution of the doctrine of the Trinity from its beginning is a result of the constraints of linguistic and theoretical theology (Hunt, 2004). The purpose of this report is to outline the historical evolution of understandings of the Trinity from the New Testament to the present day

  • The Holy Trinity, by Masaccio

    1379 Words  | 3 Pages

    Masaccio’s famous religious painting, “The Holy Trinity”, is known for the engagement of linear perspective to create an image that goes beyond just paint on canvas, (or should I say wall?) by creating the illusion of depth. This painting addresses many religious concepts by setting up different levels and layers in the constructed space. The characters depicted are made up of four groups of human figures, which include the Trinity (God the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit), the Virgin Mary and