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When you think of God do you think of one divine entity or do you take into account the age old idea of the Trinity? For all of time we have understood the three individual person’s in God, the Trinity, to be one in the same. The teaching of the Christian church tells us that God is three unique and separate people’s, but they are at the same time all one person in God. Now people have many different ways to picture or represent the idea of three people as one. The trial of history has come up with many different ideas and images to try and represent the Trinity. Like many things that have to do with the unknown nature of religion we put our mental limitations on our ideas. This is only natural because it is the only way we can comprehend things, and we only have earthly definitions and limits for things in the realm of this existence. McGrath quotes Charles Gore by saying, “Human language never can express adequately divine realities. A constant tendency to apologize for human speech, a great element of agnosticism, an awful sense of unfathomed depths beyond the little that is made known, is always present to the mind of theologians who know what they are about, in conceiving or expressing God.” (McGrath, 104-5) Using this thought process I will explain the meaning, function, and significance of the Trinity.

First off I will tackle what the meaning of the Trinity is. Like I said earlier the Trinity is the idea of three person’s as one. A few ways to explain this were brought up in class. Some of these analogies are to compare the Trinity to things like a shamrock, a chain, or three coins. These are used to try to explain it to people because it shows things of a nature similar to the idea we are trying to explain. A shamrock is...

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... God as three person’s is a wonderful thing and it is something that people have been trying to explain and contemplate for as long as humankind has been around. What I have said may not be everyone’s idea of how it should be explained. However it is a combination of a lot of different ideas and the best I could try and put everything together to try and explain this in a “universal” way. The Trinity is something that explains to us God and strengthens our religious beliefs as well as our minds. It makes us think and can lead to many different ideas. We have to understand that the ideas we have are all explanations of unknown things. We have to use the knowledge we have and push onward and honor God with thought of Him. One day we will understand things in a way that is more clear to us, but until then we must keep trying to understand these things the best we can.

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