Compare Mark And Jesus

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The story I picked and was very comparable in Mark 5:1-20, Matthew 8:28-9:1, and Luke 8:26-39. These are all the story of Jesus healing a Demoniac told in different part of the New Testament that agree and disagree on the events that took place. Mark and Luke use a lot more detail to make sure the story is accurately portrayed whereas Matthew just sums up the story and changes major points. Jesus performs this one of his three major miracles in time and makes a huge difference just like the Messiah should. In these three stories that take place in Gerasenes also known as Gadarenes which is southeast of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus comes to the other side of sea onto land. He was there to rid a man or men in Matthew from unclean spirit. The …show more content…

The demons in Matthew ask jesus if he has come to torture them before the time. The time in this case is referring to Judgment day where satan and his demons will be judged in front of the lord. Jesus allows the demons to enter the pigs and drowned because it is not time for their Judgment day. Jesus in Mark and Luke ask the demons what their names are. In both cases they answer that their name is Legion for many demons entered the man. Legion has to do with the Romans which is their troops that can consist of 5,000 indicating that many demons are possessing the man not a proper name for just one demon. Jesus allows the demons to enter the swine and drowned themselves. The swine herders witnessed this and ran off to tell the city and country in Mark and Luke and just the City in Matthew. Swine being in the area indicates that the people inhabiting the land are not jewish. The jewish people believed that you should only eat them if they have split hooves and chew their cud pigs do not chew their cud. Since the Jews saw pigs as unclean the herdsmen were likely …show more content…

The saw the man clothed and in his right mind in Mark and Luke in Matthew they had just came and saw Jesus. In all three stories the people asked Jesus to leave. In Luke it states that the people were seized with fear most in likely because they saw his power and realized he destroyed many swine and could do much more damage. Jesus without question get into the boat and prepares to make the journey back to his town as stated in Matthew which would of been Capernaum a city on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. In Mark and Luke the previously possessed man begs to accompany Jesus so he is not left alone whereas the demons begged Jesus to leave them alone. Matthew doesn’t mention the man asking Jesus if he can go with him. Mark and Luke both show Jesus replying to go and tell his people or friends what the Lord has done for you. The man then goes and serves as an evangelist proclaiming the power of god and the arrival of the

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