Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

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Contents INTRODUCTION 2 MOTIVATION 3 MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS THEORY 4 INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 5 APPLE COMPUTERS,INC 5 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY’S MANAGER 6 STEVE JOBS 6 STEVE JOBS LEADERSHIP STYLES AND MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES 7 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 10 INTRODUCTION In this section ,we will discuss about the topics motivation, motivation theory.Motivation is defined as the interaction between person and the situation.For attaining goal,persons efforts are energized,directed and sustained.And Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory is also used.Individual needs are also known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory.Need theory contains five levels,and named as self actualization,esteem,social,safety,physiological.And discuss about a person named as Steve Jobs,he was the co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc.And then provide history of the company Apple Inc and its production.And then discuss Steve jobs leadership and then the motivation style,achievements and rewards.And then discuss about the leadership towards employees. MOTIVATION Motivation is defined as it is the external and internal factors stimulate desire and energy in people continuousely interested and committed to a role,job,subject,goal.And another way it is the interaction between the person and the situation.During this process person’s efforts are directed,energized and sustained to attaining the goal. And then it is results from the interaction of conscious and unconscious factors,that is desire and the reward value of the goal, expectation of the individuals. In the work environmen... ... middle of paper ...,mission and meaning to Apple Inc.And he gave new life to organization. .By the buisness world he referred as the visionary.He also conveyed to his employees.He pursuded them to the level of self motivation ,that is dedicate to work.For the development of the company,contribute their creative side.He was a born leader.Steve jos is a successful person,he made many inventories for Apple Inc.And then he died oct 5 ,2011. REFERENCES Cantrell,Amanda;(2006). Apple’s Remarkable Comeback Story.Retrieved from http:// /2006/03/29/ technology/apple anniversary/?cnn=ye Lohr,Steve .(1997): Creating Jobs: Apple Founder Goes Home Again.New York Times Magazine, 7(2),pp :20-28. Beck, R. C. (2004). Motivation: Theories and principles (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall

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