Analysis Of Maslow's Need Theory

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Background A student at the Sam Houston State University in Huntsville by the name of Randy Garner discovered that there was an affective way to get people to do what you wanted, without being too abrasive. Through the help of a couple experiments Garner discovered that a person could get a higher percentage of people to complete a task with the simple use of a personalized Sticky Note. Garner’s first experiment was with a group of 150 professors who he broke up into three groups of 50. Garner then sent the three groups a survey to complete. The first group received the surveys with a personalized sticky note asking that they be completed. The second received the same survey with a hand written cover letter asking for their completion while …show more content…

Yet if the tasks required a higher degree of participation a sticky note with a personalized message was more effective in getting the task completed. Garners experiments can directly relate to Maslow’s Need Theory. Maslow’s theory states “motivation is the function of five basic needs.” The needs are physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization. This means that when a person is motivated to do something it because they have satisfied a prior need and are now looking to satisfy another through the course of actions they take. With Maslow’s theory the need for esteem needs and social acceptance ties into what Garner did in his experiments with the sticky notes. In Maslow’s theory it states that esteem needs in the work place can be satisfied through responsibility of an important job. Also in Maslow’s theory it states that social needs in the work place can be satisfied with the help of friendly coworkers. Thus giving way to the sticky note. The sticky note is a small bright colorful piece of paper with a personalized note giving the receiver instructions on how to complete the task while also implanting a small colorful reminder in the subconscious that makes a person remember the task later on raising the probability of its completion. This gives the person a direct connection to their job and coworkers satisfying key needs in Maslow’s

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