Low Brass Case Study

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I, Lilian Vay, am a student of the Cathedral City High School Royal Regiment. I am auditioning for the position of Low Brass Section Leader. I believe I am a viable candidate for this position because I have demonstrated utmost maturity and possess very distinctive leadership qualities. Low Brass was thriving as a section during my two previous seasons, but I strongly believe I can elevate the section’s abilities beyond the thresholds of excellence. Because I am diving into my third year of being a member, I have a profound understanding of what is required to be a successful section. I was fortunate enough to be close to many of the section leaders and other exceptional idols of the band; I was able to look up to them and observe what it takes to be a leader. Because of this band and the members in it, I have grown to be a better person ; I hope that if given this opportunity, I can share the joy and help others as well. As a section leader, I would like to integrate innovative ideas in addition to strengthen the beneficial assets that are already present in …show more content…

By using constructive criticism and having short meetings, we can create a benign system that student leaders can use to get opinions on how to handle small ordeals before they get out of hand. In addition to meetings, we also need to ensure that each leader is setting an example for others to follow. As for members of the section, I will hold them accountable for their actions by ensuring that they understand the music and the marching; to do so, I can have short and frequent tests to ensure that they effectively learn the material in small increments. This will push each member to be productive and work efficiently; those who fail these tests will be personally spoken to and helped by

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