Life Of Pi Symbolism Essay

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Life of Pi In Ang Lee’s Life of Pi, a teenage boy goes through many journeys, both physical and emotional. To tell Pi’s story Ang Lee uses various shades of colors in the setting to describe the unspoken feelings and emotions of Pi and his experiences. The color of the setting not only relays the mood and hidden thoughts of Pi as he tells his story but also a creates a new form of communication with the audience, specifically through the contrasts and lack of contrast of colors in the setting. Lee vividly contrasts the color of the setting to that of the subject in order to capture the audience’s attention and highlight a dramatic moment for Pi. As Pi finds a new happiness in his girlfriend Anandi, Lee ensures to enrich his world with vibrant …show more content…

In this case the contrasts triggers an excitement in the audience reflecting that of Pi’s inner affection. This same reflection of Pi’s inner thoughts is seen as the couple admires Richard Parker from afar and his bright orange fur contrast greatly with his green habitat. Lee is imposing an awe of beauty of the majestic tiger as it stands out in his small town India, but he is describing how from a far in a position of safety the most harmful animals are beautiful. Moreover, during the time of their intercontinental move the family’s views are shown in the contrast their clothing has with the vivid green background of India. The father adamant that the move was good choice believe India is not a place for his family anymore and wheres a contrasting purple, and the mother not happy with the idea but sees the necessity wheres green with a hint of purple and black , symbolizing her dismay and longing to stay. However Pi and Ravi have green shirts very close to their environment depicted their desire to stay as they felt india was their home, and they belonged their (so they are ‘blending’ in). The whole concept of contrast to show the conflicts faced by the whole family induces a feeling of disunity into

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