The Impact of Divorce on Children's Psyche

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Arjun feels ignored because of his mother’s attitude, “When Arjun left the room, his mother’s footsteps did not follow him, as they so often had in old house. Once as he loudly dragged his feet he heard the man saying, let him be, he is growing up, you have to give him space” (Kapur 148). The worse happened in the form of his admission in a boarding school, which left Raman at the back foot. It is the tragic plight of children that in spite of having parents they had to go to boarding school. Dr. Carl Pickhardt narrates the effects of divorce on children’s psyche in his article, The Impact of Divorce on Young Children and Adolescents: Divorce introduces a massive change into the life of a boy or girl no matter what the age. Witnessing loss …show more content…

She proved herself as an ideal mother for Roohi and wife to Raman. In Ishita, Roohi gets a new caring mother but this could not be tolerable to Shagun who still kept her fight for the custody of children. Ishita tried hard to create healthy relationships with Roohi by becoming replica of Roohi’s mother. She too loves her like her mother. However, Ishita feels insecure as she feels Roohi will go to her mother. She reveals her desperation when she says, “I think my heart will break. I cannot bear this half-here-half-there. I have given her everything – not because of you, but because of her – I feel this constant tension in my head with the fear of losing her” (Kapur 290). Ishita proved herself better mother for Roohi in all ways in spite of not being real mother of her. However, both Raman and Shagun could not realize the needs of their children and fights with each other. That is the failure on their parts as ideal human beings. Both could not understand the trauma of their children and fight for custody. Umachran comments in her review about Custody: Against the backdrop of a brand-new liberalized world, Kapur sketches out Shagun’s boredom, Raman’s hurt and the confusion of their children, Roohi and Arjun, who are batted back and forth between parents and across chapters. The two new partners in the equation, boss man Ashok and divorcee Ishita, struggle to woo their step kids while supporting

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