Leslie Knope is the daughter of Marlene Griggs-Knope, who is a politician within the school system of Pawnee, Indiana. Leslie’s father is an unknown character, due to him being deceased throughout the entire series of Parks and Recreation. Leslie works for the parks department in Pawnee, Indiana, where she is trying to better the city with her multiple projects. Leslie has aspired to hold political office from a young age and wants to be president of the United States. She is very ambitious and enthusiastic, which is helpful when doing city projects for the community. Her ambitions are what drives her to help the city of Pawnee, and her enthusiasm is used to get other people on board for her projects. The humanistic approach to personality …show more content…
The physiological level is at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the needs that need to be met in order to move onto the next level include food, water, air, sleep and sex. These needs are considered necessary for survival and reflect primary needs. The second level is the safety level. This level’s needs are home and shelter. Love and belongingness is the third level, which is where people have the need to love them, and they to love them in return. This level is closely related to the needs of relationships. Esteem is the next level in the hierarchy, and it is where a person is comfortable with who they are. The final level is self-actualization, which is where a person meets their fullest potential. The more demanding levels are towards the bottom of the hierarchy, while the more distinctly human levels that involve growth are towards the …show more content…
Leslie has met the physiological level due to meeting the needs of food, water, air, sleep, and sex. She is able to have these simple needs and doesn’t have to worry about trying to obtain these. She has met the safety level due to meeting the needs of having a home and shelter. Leslie’s home is in Pawnee, Indiana, which provides her warmth and protects her from her environment. She has met the love and belongingness level due to meeting the needs of people loving her and her loving them back. Leslie’s mom, her co-workers, and her husband all love Leslie, and she loves them in return. Leslie is able to build relationships with people, which is where growth occurs within Maslow’s hierarchy. I would say that Leslie has met all of these levels the majority of her life. She has always had the physiological and safety needs, and love and belongingness in one way or
The physiological level, which is at the bottom of the pyramid, must be carried out first in order to reach the top level of self-actualization. Some of the needs in this level are food, water, air, shelter, and sleep. These certain needs are what the man and the boy are searching for throughout the entire book. In the bottom level of
(pg. 104) 3 levels of Need awareness- Conscious need level, preconscious need level, unconscious need level.
The 3rd level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, is the needs for belonging, love, and affection. Maslow described these needs as less basic than physiological and security needs. Relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments, and families help fulfill this need for companionship and acceptance, involvement in social, community, or religious groups.
Maslow suggested that there are five levels of need. Level one needs are basic needs such as food and shelter which need to be meet before moving to the next level of need. Each level should be meet in turn up to level five, self-actualisation. An example of this in current practice is providing children with snack and water during the school day fulfilling basic needs and providing opportunities to develop friendships and feel safe at school to express their feelings can fulfil needs in levels 2 and 3 of Maslowâ€TMs hierarchy of
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes the five type of innate needs listed from the strongest needs at the bottom to the weakest needs at the top level as physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs (Schultz & Schultz, 2013, p. 246). Juanita is a 42 year old single mother who has recently decided to go back to school to obtain a degree and become a mental health professional, but she is facing some internal turmoil and some of her needs are not being met. Analyzing Juanita’s situation with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and other concepts, such as the Jonah complex, should help Juanita reach her goals, address the needs that are not being met in her current situation, and strive for
Maslow believed that people have a wide variety of needs that make up a hierarchy of needs. Each of these needs is different in how soon the individual has to feel it and different needs are shown to satisfy different people at different times. This hierarchy of needs is made up of physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Throughout this hierarchy, Maslow shows the needs and states that if any of the needs were not satisfied for a prolonged period of time, a fixation on that need could occur (Sammons, 1). There is no question as to whether or not Emily had her physiological needs fulfilled. Her safety needs were also fulfilled. The last three levels of the hierarchy of needs that was created by Maslow were definitely not reached. When considering her belonging needs, Emily is definitely seen as an outcast by the townspeople. She was left alone and cast to the side. She might have put herself there, but the truth is that she might have put herself there because of the fact that she knew everyone in the town was talking about her as an outcast. Her esteem needs were never fulfilled because she was not put in touch with anyone. She never belonged because she was wealthier and was raised to hold her head up higher than
Five levels on a pyramid are initiated to explain the most basic of needs to harder to obtain ones. They are ordered physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs include fundamentals such as food, water, sleep, and shelter. Next, safety is the stability one has to maintain life, for instance, personal well-being and health are included. After that comes love and belonging, having friendships and family as major aspects. In addition, esteem is the last of the most important levels of needs. It contains one’s positive feeling of importance and status. Last, and least important, self-actualization is the desire to be at one’s fullest potential. If the first four are not met, it may cause tension and anxiety, according to Maslow. Biff passed these levels with flying colors, as he wanted to do more and excel in college athletics, until things were changed after Biff saw his idol’s
He believed that only when one level of needs was met, another could be achieved. He proposed five levels, at the bottom is basic biological needs, then one’s safety needs, a need for love and affection, needs for esteem, both self-esteem and respect from others, and at the top was the need for self-actualization. Both Davidson and McCandless were on a quest for self-actualization, and from that we can infer that they had conquered all other levels of needs. Maslow theorizes that people who do not achieve the full hierarchy, do not achieve it because of deterrents in society, such as racism, homophobia and sexism. Although Davidson is a women and lived in a “cult of misogyny” (Davidson, 18) in Australia, her and McCandless were both hetero, supposedly, and came from well to do, Caucasian families putting them in a position of privilege. Also, one can infer from the fact that they are both willing to put their biological needs at risk, that they had never been in the positon previously in which their wellness was threatened. For example, someone who had previously been at risk of dying of hunger would never put themselves at risk of running out of food again. NEED
If television shows reflect the milieu of our society, then it seems as if we are in bad, bad times. Tuning in to Saturday Night Live’s parody of president-elect Donald Trump might be amusing, but it becomes less entertaining once we realize that the parody might just be an accurate representation of him. It is easy to become cynical of society when we have elected a politically-inexperienced businessman as president despite his misogynist, racist, and xenophobic attitude. This cynicism towards our society extends beyond the political sphere; it is reflected by many fictional characters in the media. Take, for example, Don Draper of Mad Men - the egotistical Creative Director of an advertising agency in New
Psychologist Abraham Maslow created the hierarchy of needs, outlining and suggesting what a person need to reach self-actualization and reveal the true potential of themselves. In the model, Maslow propose that a person has to meet basic needs in order to reach the true potential of themselves. Biological/physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging need, esteem needs according to Maslow is the fundamental frame for reaching the peak of self. The last need to be met on the scale
Unlike many of his colleagues at the time who were focusing on psychopathology, or what is wrong with individuals, he focused on how individuals are motivated to fulfill their potential and what needs govern their respective behaviors (McLeod)). Maslow developed the hierarchy over time, adjusting from a rigid structure where needs must be met before being able to achieve a higher level, to where the individuals can experience and behave in ways across the hierarchy multiple times daily depending on their needs. The hierarchy is comprised of 5 levels; Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization. The bottom two levels are considered basic needs, or deficiency needs because once the needs are met they cease to be a driving factor, unlike psychological needs. Loving and Belonging and Esteem needs are considered psychological needs, and are different from basic needs because they don’t stem from a lack of something, but rather the desire to grow. Maslow theorizes that individual’s decisions and behavior are determined based on their current level of needs, and the ideal level to achieve full potential culminates in self-actualization; however, operating on this level cannot be achieved until the preceding levels of needs have been
The third is love and belongingness. Fourth is esteem needs; and lastly, is self-actualization. The top tier is what everybody hopes to achieve, although not everyone actually does. In the case of William Miller, he does go through all of these steps in the hierarchy throughout the movie.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that includes a five level pyramid of basic human
I had always assumed things like meaning, mission, and purpose were higher level needs, but the more I learn, the clearer it becomes that meaningful work is a basic human need that cuts across professions and income levels.
Food, water, sleep, and sensory gratification are all at the top of the hierarchy. These and other needs are considered to be part of the psychological needs. These rest at the top of the hierarchy because they are the essence to basic human survival. The list of these needs can be much larger or shorter depending of personal opinion. Maslow himself said that said “it would be po...