Leadership Reflection Paper

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In block one, we focused on the foundation for great leadership. We first learned about developing a personal leadership philosophy, which I thought was a great experience. As a leader before this course, I did not know exactly why I did the things I did; that was how I led my group. Now learning about the different leadership types, I can say I am more of an X-leader and understand the pros and cons that come with being an X leader. I enjoyed the activities associated with finding my personal leadership philosophy, as I am always wanting to learn about my personality. The next unit focused on a type of leadership called servant-leadership. I assume all great leaders have come from this form of leadership because it wouldn’t be taught …show more content…

In this class, we specifically looked at how leaders think. During the last part of this course, we looked at Abraham Maslow’s psychology on leadership. Taking a psychology course in high school and reading an AP crash course book on the subject, I was familiar with Maslow already. Looking at the triangle he made, a student in our class suggested that the triangle should be a circle. That caught me off guard and I agreed. A person who grows in themselves is able to expand to empower other people. For example, once a person is passed their own self-actualization, they can then use their strengths to help other people get to self-actualization. I saw a quote on my social media that completely relates to this topic, this quote is, “Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts; it is about one life influencing another.” This quote sums up what the triangle is leading towards. At transcendence, a leader is able to fully help and influence others to become better people or leaders themselves. This quote, found on a social media site, illustrates how leadership concepts are everywhere, but we never process them at

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