What is personal health? Personal health can mean many different things to many different people. To me it means taking care of your body, eating healthy, exercising, and having a positive attitude. To other people such as eleven year old LMES student, Kendyl Folk, it means to be physically fit, healthy, and energetic. In this essay you will read about what happens when you don’t keep your personal health up, tips on how to keep your personal health up, and other people’s perspectives about what personal health means to them. Personal health is important because it makes your life more enjoyable, fun, and easier. Some people like avcs.org state that personal health “emphasizes the importance of knowledge, attitudes, and practices relating …show more content…
Exercise is a specifically planned and organized session of physical activity that you do to improve or maintain your physical fitness. Another way that you can display your personal health is to stay or be physically fit. Physically fit is the ability to handle the physical demands of everyday life without becoming overly tired. One way that you can stay physically fit is by doing a team sport. There are tons of opportunities for you to do a sport. Whether it is on a school team or at an after school place like Crooked Creek Park. Sixty-five year old retired hair dresser, Pauline McClinton, says “I walk around the neighborhood and do yard work where everyone can see. I also do housework and play with my grandkids (big and little).” Another way that you can stay physically fit and exercise is by walking your dog. Eleven year old LMES student, Kendyl Folk, says “I walk the dogs and I hit the baseball and when it goes down the hill I run as fast as I can to go and get it.” Everyone does some type of exercise, whether it be a sport, walking a pet, or doing housework and/or yard work. Do not think that just because you exercise right now that when you get older you don’t have to. You always needs to be healthy and exercise. Pauline McClinton said that she will continue to show her personal health in the future by “Keep trying to do the same things I am doing right now as long as I can”. Kendyl
Exercise is the key to a happy and healthy life. Exercise helps maintain or obtain a healthy body weight. It’s also a great way to bond with fellow gym attendees. For all you know, your soul mate could be running on the treadmill next to you. Studies show people who exercise are happier overall. Exercise is important in day-to-day life.
Health is described as “the general condition of the body or mind, especially in terms of the presence or absence of illness or impairments.” Health can also be defined as “the overall condition of something in terms of soundness, vitality and proper functioning” (Oxford, 263). From the definitions of health given, one can either be in good health or in unhealthy.
When it comes to exercise, it’s important that you choose some sort of routine that will help you to get physical activity. Doing what you like and what works for your lifestyle is the most important thing – otherwise you won’t actually do it.
Health is a personal feeling of wellness and function that is not the same for everyone.
Exercise is very beneficial to everyone that wants to stay fit and to keep their health in good shape for the future. I know many people that work out just thirty minutes a day and eat healthy and they are in the greatest shape of their life. So during the times you feel fat and lazy and just do not want to get up off the couch. Think if you go to your nearest gym and workout for thirty minutes to an hour you will feel so much better with yourself, and have so much energy throughout your day.
Exercise is often thought of in a positive light. It is common belief in today’s society that a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine will lead to a long, healthy life. And in the simplest sense of the word, it will.
Exercising is usually recreational physical activity carried out with the goal of building health and fitness. Looking forward to exercising and feeling really good with regard to the results of exercise on your body is common. Regular exercise improves mobility, overall flexibility, as well as balance in mature adults. Exercise also boosts the blood flow to the brain improving you mood.
When you 're designing your personal fitness program, consider your fitness goals. Think about your fitness likes and dislikes, and note your personal barriers to fitness. Then consider practical strategies for keeping your fitness program on track. Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But if you haven 't exercised for some time and you have health concerns, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new fitness routine.
Health is described as physical and mental well-being and freedom from disease, pain or defect. However, such descriptions only superficially define the actual meaning of health. There may be many occasions when individuals are not necessarily ill or in pain but may be overweight, stressed or emotionally unstable. Health is a quality of life involving dynamic interaction and interdependence among the individual’s physical state, their mental and emotional reactions, and the social context in which the individual exists. There are many factors that influence your health, but three major components contribute to general well-being: Self-awareness, a balanced diet and, regular physical activity.
What does it mean to have good personal health? According to the World Health Organization, health means “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Personal health is important for everyone. It is important for an individual to be hygienic and for a community. The job involving personal health that I researched was a physician.
Physical health is an essential part of overall health. Physical health makes an individual mechanically fit to carry out his/her daily activities without problem. It is when you have good metabolism, healthy organs and free from illness, injury or pain.
Exercise combats health conditions and diseases: Being active boosts good cholesterol which is HDL and decrease unhealthy triglycerides. Regular physical activity helps you prevent wide range of health diseases like heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, depression, and metabolic
Health is a vital component in our everyday life. If it is compromised, everything else goes down with it. Health affects an individual drastically; therefore, it is imperative that we take good care of our bodies in order to maintain normal body functions that can help us go through our normal day-to-day lives without fail. There are many factors that can affect health--one of them is Education. Health education feeds emotions that will motivate us to do a better job at being caretakers of ourselves. It can therefore, be said that health education can encourage people to act on their own personal health.
Exercise will help to control your weight. It will also reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Experts recommends children and teens to get at least an hour of exercise everyday. Adults should exercise for two hours and thirty minutes weekly. Exercise does not only mean, go to the gym and work out on treadmills and such. Taking your dog for a walk, gardening, and everyday chores are considered exercise too. Daily exercise can relieve some stress because it can stimulate brain chemicals leaving you to feel more relaxed and happy. It can also boost up your self esteem and confidence because if you’re working out, your appearance would most likely improve. Another great reason for exercising is that it will boost your energy, and you will have more energy because of all the muscle you built up.
Being physically fit can help deliver good health benefits that can't be received any other way. Going to the gym everyday and getting a good workout is a basic need and will help increase your stamina and help you remain in good health. A person who exercises regularly will get more out of every day. The many types of exercises help demonstrate many techniques of physical fitness that create good habits and your health and energy levels will be greater than ever before. Being physically fit is a lifestyle, and does a body good.