Essay On The Paleo Diet

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Getting Started with the Paleo Diet If you’ve been looking for a diet program to help you lose weight and improve your health, you’ve no doubt come across the Paleo diet. But what is this diet plan and what sets it apart from other plans? In this guide you’ll learn more about the Paleo diet basics. You’ll also learn its benefits, the challenges you may encounter, and how to get started with the practical meal planning and grocery shopping. What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo diet has actually been around since the 1970s. However, it recently has gained popularity as so many people are looking for ways to lose weight and also have food allergies to wheat and dairy. This diet is actually designed after people who lived in the Paleolithic era of Earth’s history. It’s also called the Caveman diet by some people. The general idea is that to be your healthiest, you should eat the way our earliest ancestors did. Before we had agriculture to plant crops and care for animals, people were hunter-gatherers. They ate meat that they could catch and kill and they gathered whatever vegetation they could safely eat. Their diet didn’t consist of any grains, dairy, or processed foods. The modern Paleo diet tries to mimic this type of diet. You’ll be eating organically grown or raised produce and meat. But you won’t consume dairy, grains, or any food that’s processed. Processed foods include those that contain sugar, grains, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives. The Paleo diet sticks to fresh foods that are processed as little as possible. If you eat the typical Western diet this probably sounds like quite a challenge. Many people rely on processed foods for the majority of their calories. Unfortunately, tho... ... middle of paper ... can lift a lighter weight. If it asks you to do two sets, but you can only do one that’s okay. You’ll simply build strength and stamina until you can perform the activities. You don’t have to perform Crossfit to follow the Paleo diet and you don’t have to follow the Paleo diet to perform Crossfit. However, many people find that they naturally fit together to help you achieve the best possible health and fitness. When it comes to exercise, it’s important that you choose some sort of routine that will help you to get physical activity. Doing what you like and what works for your lifestyle is the most important thing – otherwise you won’t actually do it. With the Paleo diet and a chosen fitness program, you’ll find that you drop weight, feel strong, and improve your health in a short time. The Paleo diet can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort.

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