Kellogg Case Study

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As any large corporation Kellogg has a variety of work functions and a large number of employees. Some of these jobs include engineering, marketing, sales, human resources, information technology, finance, and many other jobs. Kellogg is the world’s largest breakfast cereal company, producing cereal in 18 countries and selling to over 180 countries. In order to have a company of this quality to succeed for over 100 years there had to be values to keep the company on top. Kellogg mission is to provide a great place to work and they go to great lengths to provide this service. These values incorporated by Kellogg was used to influence the employee’s behavior on the job making it a positive to place to work. To keep up morale employees is encouraged …show more content…

Taylor’s theory shows that monetary rewards can increase productivity. Kellogg uses Taylor’s theory by motivating their employees with cash alternatives such as giving them the opportunity to buy and sell their holiday days. Another aspect of Kellogg as taken from Taylor’s theory is that breaks down jobs into specialist tasks throughout the company. Although using monetary gain as a motivational tool is very useful and productive it is not without its problems. If employees focus mainly on the possible monetary gain or awards then this may cause them to rush through their work resulting in poor quality. Kellogg is a company that’s known for encouraging creativity and use of imagination, using Taylor’s theory would not apply to this. Taylor 's view of monetary reward for quality output is not appropriate for the motivation when it comes to encouraging creativity (Business Case Studies, …show more content…

Hygiene factors are referred to as dissatisfiers and Herzberg’s motivators are called satisfiers. The hygiene factors are those things that make employees unhappy and the motivators are the things that make them happy. In Herzberg’s theory, it is believed that employers need to minimize hygiene factors and maximize motivators. Kellogg does an outstanding job applying this theory. Kellogg offers access to fitness centers, free employee health checks and fitness assessment done by professional healthcare specialist. For those that need better or flexible hours Kellogg provides several alternatives of work: Part-time employment, job sharing, career breaks, working from home, and other alternatives. To show how dedicated Kellogg are to their employees, Claire Duckworth, an employee of Kellogg, have benefited from their use of Herzberg’s theory. Claire competes in Latin American ballroom dancing, working for Kellogg enables her with flexible hours so that she can travel to different dance competitions. Claire is one of many successful and motivated employees of Kellogg (Business Case Studies,

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