Joe Clark Lean On Me

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To me the primary leader is Joe Clark in Lean on Me. The reason why I would say he is a leader because of the way he took charge of a broken school system. Mr. Clark set in his mind to fix it. The system that I’m referring to is the low privilege school system. The students who go to Eastside High are in low income area and with that the schools in those areas do not get the funding or respect that is needed. These schools are already known for low test scores or high drops and the expectations for them to fail is already there. So, for someone to come in and shake things up in an unusual way is very different and unexpected for the teachers and students there.
The only reason that Joe Clark becomes the principal at the school was that …show more content…

Our book defines effective leadership as a situation that occurs when a leader changes a follower’s behavior, resulting in both leader and follower feeling satisfied and effective (Landy and Conte 2016). The reason why I say this is because he came in with an agenda or a certain goal and he did it. Even though there was a lot of opposition at first, he prevailed forward. His ways may have seemed very radical, but he knew what his self-mission was, and he turned the teachers, students and even helped in the long run. For example, Samms was considered a typical child that didn’t want to do no better and just been getting by. But Joe made him hold himself accountable for his actions and showed him how they effect not only himself but others. Kaneesha Carter was consider a very smart student but came from typical low income single family. He helps her deal with her unemployed mother and when she’s gets pregnant, Mr. Clark is still by her side. With both situations he gives them hope and allows himself to be a positive figure to both. Let’s be honest they haven’t seen many strong educated African American male, so he represents to them …show more content…

Clark is self-assured, forceful, strong willed and very confident of the rightness of personal decisions. At times he demonstrates aggressive, overemotional behavior, with his high energy being directed at sweeping everything and everyone in his way. His strict and sometimes arbitrary rules were carried out by Clark in every circumstance making students too intimated to be testy let alone violent. He also manipulates and humiliates anyone who stands in his way of the changes he wants to make. Mr. Clark’s theory is “it’s his way or the highway” type of mentality. To me Mr. Clark is the furthest from a transformational leader. A transformational leader is defined by the behavior of inspirational political leaders who transform their followers by appealing to nobler motives such as justice, morality, and peace (Landy and Conte 2016). He came is with his mega phone yelling and declaring it was going to be his way or nothing else. If Mr. Clark was a transformational leader he would’ve analyzed the entire staff and students first. Then after that reach out to some of the different students to see what issues they had so he could up with a direct solution but not by humiliating or degrading others to make

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