Investigating the Relationship Between the Braking Distance of a Toy Car and the Height of the Ramp

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Investigating the Relationship Between the Braking Distance of a Toy Car and the Height of the Ramp


To carry out this experiment safely I will ensure that the necessary

safety precautions are taken place. Goggles and lab coats should be

worn during the experiment. All likely safety hazards are eliminated.

I will make sure the ramp is placed on the table in a stable manner

and that I will ensure that the ramp is not too high.

The procedure of this experiment is to first get a ramp of suitable

length, and place onto the bench. Raise height by using a retort

stand, by placing it under the ramp, moving it backwards and forwards

to adjust the height. Produce a range of heights to which to use, and

once all set it all up. Once all this has been completed get a toy car

and place at the top end of the ramp (where the highest point of the

ramp is). Place a metre rule and the end of the ramp with the long end

coming out of the ramp. Release the toy car from the top end of the

ramp and once the car has stopped measure the distance using the metre


I am doing an experiment to investigate the see any connections

between the braking distance of a toy car and the height of which it

is released at. I predict therefore that as the height of the ramp

increases the braking distance also increases. To guarantee this is a

fair test I plan to only have one thing that changes throughout the

whole experiment, and this is the height if the ramp, and everything

other then that will remain constant.

Diagram of apparatus




I know that the speed and braking distance vary when the height of the

ramp height is altered so I plan to investigate the relationship and I

predict that as the height of the ramp increases so will the braking

distance and velocity. This is because if the ramp was at 0º to the

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