rolls. Title: The Effects of Height, Length, Surface, Weight, Size, and Material on the Distance a Ball Rolls Down a Ramp Aim: The aim of this experiment is to investigate the factors that affect the distance a ball rolls when released from the top of a ramp. Variables: The independent variables in this experiment are the height of the ramp, the length of the ramp, the surface of the ramp, the weight of the marble, the size of the marble, and the surface of the marble. The dependent variable is the distance
Effect of Height of a Ramp on the Speed of a Trolley For this piece of coursework, I intend to investigate the relationship between the heights of a ramp to the change in speed. I will be measuring the speed from these heights: - * 5cm * 10cm * 15cm * 20cm * 25cm. Formula AIM The aim of this investigation is to find out what the relationship his between the height or a ramp and the change in speed. Hypothesis The greater the height of the ramp the more the speed of
Investigation of the Speed of a Trolley Down a Ramp and Its Gradient In this investigation I will be testing how the speed of the trolley is affected by the gradient of the ramp. The speed of the trolley will be affected by the gradient of the ramp by many factors. One of these factors is gravitational potential energy. GPE is the energy stored in an object because of its height. The energy is stored as a result of the gravitational pull of the earth for the object. GPE is also affected
Rolling a Car down a Ramp Investigation PLANNING When planning my experiment, I will need to take into consideration the following points: - Fair testing - Equipment - How many results I will take - What range of variables I will experiment with I will be investigating, by varying the height the summit of the ramp is raised off the ground, if the average speed increases or decreases. Method ====== I have decided to produce a step-by-step guide for each experiment
Distance of a Toy Car and the Height of the Ramp Planning To carry out this experiment safely I will ensure that the necessary safety precautions are taken place. Goggles and lab coats should be worn during the experiment. All likely safety hazards are eliminated. I will make sure the ramp is placed on the table in a stable manner and that I will ensure that the ramp is not too high. The procedure of this experiment is to first get a ramp of suitable length, and place onto the bench
The Relationship between the Angle of Elevation of a Ramp and the Speed of a Ball Introduction In this piece of coursework I'm going to investigate and measure the speed of the ball rolling down a ramp. From the data that I'm going to collect I'm going to be able to work out the Gravitational potential energy when changing the height, the friction force acting on the ball whilst it rolling down, and finally the kinetic energy exerted by the ball. Planning Fair Testing Before
Factors that Affect the Acceleration of a Ball Bearing Down a Ramp I intend to investigate what factors affect the acceleration of a ball bearing down a ramp. I will measure how long the ball bearing takes to roll down a ramp, and my other variable will be to measure the final velocity of the ball bearing rolling down the ramp. Using this information I will then be able to work out
starting position of the car of the ramp affects the stopping distance of the toy car. ==================================================================== Variables: Things we could change to affect the stopping distance - * Gradient of ramp * Speed * Counter forces * Mass of car * Starting position of car on ramp Dependant Variable: We will investigate a change in the starting position of the car on the ramp. Apparatus: · A ramp · A toy car · 3 or 4 metre
will be dropped) has an affect on the stopping distance of the toy car. I will use a clamp to fix a ramp on to a retort stand, from which I will release the car. The car will be released from a distance of 128cm which is in actual fact the size of the ramp. After every individual test I will decrease the height, from that which the car will be travelling on (i.e. the ramp) by 5cm. I will also do each individual test 3 times, and will record the average for each height.
provide these ideal conditions the friction factor would be zero and the vehicle weight would balance the centrifugal force¹. In the real world we have friction and cannot afford to build the extremely steep slope of ˜30º every time we need an off ramp or horizontal curve. In order for the operator to comfortably maneuver a curve there are several variables that must be accounted for, the radius of the curve, friction and velocity. Radius length may depend on sight distance and right of way, or
Data Analysis Explanation [IMAGE]The experiment consisted of recording the results of a small toy car being allowed to roll down a ramp and then leave the end of the ramp by continuing straight off the drop from the end of the desk. I measured the ramp's length, the height of the ramp, and the distance it covered horizontally. I also measured the mass of the car. It was necessary to measure these things so that I can perform calculations later. All of the information I gathered can be
increases. The equation to find acceleration is: [IMAGE][IMAGE] when [IMAGE]= acceleration, [IMAGE]= velocity at the end, [IMAGE]= velocity at the start, and [IMAGE]= time The variables which could affect the acceleration of a trolley down a ramp are: The mass of the trolley, - (the size of the trolley), if the same force acts on a bigger object it will accelerate less than that force on a smaller object. The continuous force, - (how much the object is pushed), the bigger the push
Mother Teresa’s Unconditional Love The book, One Heart Full of Love, is a combination of speeches and interviews featuring Mother Teresa given during the 1970’s and early 1980’s. It’s very obvious to me that Mother Teresa was a very simple woman. Each of the chapters in the book covers virtually the same information. The stories discussed in her speeches were all very similar. She seemed to use the same stories but add a little different twist depending on the crowd she was addressing. I really
find out how inertia plays a part in accidents. Materials: 1. Wooden ramp, approx 1.5m long and 30cm wide. 2. Bricks or wooden blocks 3. 2 dynamics, trolleys or toy cars 4. Plasticine 5. metre rule Method: 1. Two plasticine dummies weighing 20g each were made and placed on the trolleys. 2. Trolley B was placed 30-40cm in front of the ramp. 3. Trolley A was placed 100cm from the end of the ramp. Directly in line with the other trolley. 4. Trolley A was released
people including Emma and her mother reconnoited, scouted out, around the crash sight. Starring at this gigantic structure, a flap came down on the fresh manure, and coated every body. Through the smoke came out an imp, a small demon, who stood on the ramp for an extended period of time. The alien made a sibyl, lispy sound, screeching sound that was extremely loud. Out came hundreds of aliens from the UFO. More of them came out as the people ran. Some of the aliens were scintillant, things that sparkle
External ramp As Diodorus of Sicily declared hundreds of years ago, that the construction of the great pyramid relied on ramps. Houdin used this idea to figure out how Hemienu used the principle of ramps in his construction. “Houdin argued that the first phase of building the pyramid began with building an external ramp on one side of the pyramid which would be used as a service path for the stones block to be transferred construction area and as the pyramid grew the Ramp would also grow” (Sesen
Humans were constructing ramps for various purposes long before written records existed. A 3.7-mile paved ramp constructed by the ancient Greeks was used to drag ships across the Isthmus of Corinth. Earthen ramps were used to allow an army besieging a city to storm the defenses, and there is some evidence that the builders of Stonehenge relied on ramps to place the massive stones. Many Egyptologists believe that workers used ramps when building the pyramids. Although technology has changed a great
friction. In this lab, you will change the angle of an inclined plane and observe how weight is resolved into its components, vertical (Wy) and horizontal (Wx) using the basic trig functions. Procedure: Play with the SimsMotionThe Ramp: Forces and motion  (not just the Ramp version)  Be sure to stay in the  part of the simulation. Make sure you pick wood, not ice for friction. Try moving the object using the slider controls.
whether or not the ramps at the Sequoyah High School met the qualifications of the American Disability Act, which is enacted to ensure the safety and protection of disabled people in the United States by taking extra measures in public places, such as installation of ramps In the experiment, one person put the laser at the top of the ramps, making sure it was level. Another person then took a meter stick, and measured where the laser light hit the meter stick at the bottom of the ramps. This helped
Factors that Affect the Gravitational Potential Energy of a Trolley When It Travels Down a Ramp In this investigation, I will be investigating what factors affect the gravitational potential energy of a trolley when it travels down a ramp. GPE = mgh Gravitational Energy = mass x gravity x height The formulae above shows that three things affect gravitational potential energy: mass, gravity and height. If the mass is increased then the GPE