Distance Essays

  • Distance Education

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    Distance Education Distance learning is a form of education in which the instructor and student are separated. As advances in technology rapidly progress, the interest in distance education has grown as well and has thus become more common. Technology has given this kind of learning numerous possibilities. There are various forms of distance education used alone or in combination. These technologies provide many opportunities for education, but not with out a few restrictions. There is

  • Distance Education

    1539 Words  | 4 Pages

    Distance Education Abstract The purpose of my paper is to discuss distance education: What is it? What is its effect on education and the world? How will educators be affected? What are the pros and cons surrounding its use? What is distance education? "Although the term ‘distance education’ is of relatively recent coinage, the concept of ‘learning at a distance’ is not new at all. For example, correspondence courses first appeared in Germany, England, and the United States in

  • Distance Learning

    1642 Words  | 4 Pages

    Distance Learning Distance education can trace its roots to 1840 when Sir Isaac Pitman, the English inventor of shorthand, came up with an idea for delivering instruction to a potentially limitless audience: correspondence courses by mail. By the 1900s, the first department of correspondence teaching was established at the University of Chicago. The founding of the United Kingdom’s Open University in 1969 marked a significant development of the newest phase of distance learning involving a mixed-media

  • Distance Learning

    1421 Words  | 3 Pages

    Distance Learning In recent years, there has been a trend in the way that many major institutions of higher learning have been teaching their students. This change of pace in the education world is what is known as distance learning. Distance learning is the form of schooling that can be done over the Internet, and never actually being forced to be present in a classroom or even on the campus. According to Joel Snell, correspondence courses were the predecessors to what we now know as distance

  • Distance Learning

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    year alone, there was a 13% increase in registration for distance learning classes throughout the public university system. (Beverly Creamer, 2003) It is now possible for people to learn conveniently from home or office. People that want to go to school can do so now because scheduling and geographic location does not matter with online classes because the class course is brought to the student rather than the student to the course. Is distance learning as effective as classroom based courses? This

  • The Effect of Weight on Distance Traveled

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Weight on Distance Traveled Aim === I am going to investigate how the weight of an object affects the distance it can travel. I will use a margarine tub as my object to carry out my investigation. Knowledge ========= From preliminary work and research on the Internet I have gained some knowledge. This will help me carry out my experiment and understand it. Equations --------- Work done (j) = force applied (N) x distance (m) The previous equation also

  • Long Distance Relationship Essay

    749 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout the years endless amount of research has been done regarding communication in a romantic long distance relationship. Many scholars state that a long distance relationship consists of a couple who lives separated from one another (Neustadeter & Greenberg 2011). However, numerous other scholars define this type of relationship as a limitation in the daily togetherness of two individuals who would like to be together more than they can be, as well as, them only being able to communicate through

  • Essay On Long Distance Relationship

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    Literature Review Throughout the years endless amount of research has been done regarding communication in a romantic long distance relationship. Many scholars state that a long distance relationship consists of a couple who lives separated from one another (Neustadeter & Greenberg 2011). However, numerous other scholars define this type of relationship as a limitation in the daily togetherness of two individuals who would like to be together more than they can be, as well as, them only being able

  • Long Distance Relationships

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    Long Distance Relationships Relationships have been around since the beginning of mankind. There are many goals in life that people pursue and having a soul mate is one of them. One type of relationship that is practiced most among teenagers is long distance relationships. Due to the fact that so many teenagers fall in love so quickly and are immature, they will not let go of partners even though they may have to separate. Many people find it difficult to stay in one relationship for a very long

  • Long Distance Learning

    786 Words  | 2 Pages

    Long Distance Learning Distance education allows you to study at home or in your office, according to your own schedule, there are no classes to attend. Generally, each course comes with a manual that may be accompanied by videotapes, audiotapes, audio CDs, computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, etc., depending on the nature of the course. As well, many courses incorporate computer conferencing, e-mail, listservs, computer-based quizzes, and the Internet. Some courses are entirely on-line, using the World

  • Aesthetic Distance In American Horror Movies

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Importance of Aesthetic Distance in American Horror Movies What then do we make of American horror movies? In the canon of horror pictures they almost always come second in respect to foreign horror movies and any American horror film that is considered to be artful is the one with the most aesthetic distance. Upscale slashers like Johnathan Demme's The Silence of the Lambs (1991) or David Fincher's Seven (1995) are both gruesome and bloody borrowing many of the same shock techniques as

  • The Benefits and Future of Distance Education

    871 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Benefits and Future of Distance Education What is Distance Education? Education has traditionally consisted of a student or group of students receiving instruction from a teacher; with everyone involved in one location. Distance education is changing the way instruction happens today. Distance education is "the acquisition of knowledge and/or skills wherein time and/or space separates the learner and provider" (McMahan 4). Distance education in its most basic sense happens when student(s)

  • Benefits and Limitations of Distance Learning

    1333 Words  | 3 Pages

    Benefits and Limitations of Distance Learning Distance Learning Defined Technology is restructuring many aspects of education. An example of this phenomenon is distance education. Distance learning is defined as " the practice of educating learners who are separated from the teacher or trainer and each other by space, time, or both" (Moller 115). Distance education occurs in a non-classroom setting when students participate in course discussions, exercises, and receive assessment from the

  • The Factors Affecting the Stopping Distance of a Margarine Tub

    2717 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Factors Affecting the Stopping Distance of a Margarine Tub Aim: To investigate the factors that affect the stopping distance of a catapulted margarine tub. In this experiment, I will be concentrating on the effect that varying the mass of the catapulted tub has on its stopping distance (sd.). Introduction: Things that move eventually have to stop. However, where they stop depends on several factors- their mass (the mass of the moving object), the speed the moving object is

  • Physics Investigation of Stopping Distances

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physics Investigation of Stopping Distances Aim === To investigate how a toy car's stopping distance is affected by its vertical height Hypothesis The greater an object's gravitational potential energy the longer it will take to cease all movement. This is because it will have more kinetic energy - and if we assume that the energy is removed at a constant rate by friction then the more kinetic energy an object has the longer it will continue moving Background knowledge

  • Distance Learning Essay

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    learning known as E-learning or Open Distance Learning. E-learning is different than the traditional learning in terms of methods of delivering where traditional methods required the instructor, teacher or tutor, a textbook and other teaching materials. E-learning of Open Distance Learning is a recent phenomenon which the learning only required the use of network called the Internet. What is Open Distance Learning? Greenberg, (1998) defines contemporary distance learning as "a planned teaching/learning

  • Arguments Against Distance Learning

    2423 Words  | 5 Pages

    There have been many critics that strongly advocate against the use of distance learning in elementary schools. With the increased availability and choice of new technology, comes many new concerns about the quality of instruction and the threat it may pose to the already established methods of teaching. Many believe that this new teaching method may replace the existing classroom all together, and won’t give students the adequate face-to-face contact they need. Most critics fear that “ineffective

  • distance learning is good

    1474 Words  | 3 Pages

    This new education method is called distance learning. Although, many people believe that distance learning is a waste of time because students have to technically learn on their own, but this theory is yet to be proven. On the other hand, many students keep taking distance learning courses, because they experience the real benefits that distance has brought to them. So, undecided students should consider distance learning as one of their courses in college. Distance learning brings tremendous help in

  • Distance Education Essay

    2257 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Distance education refers to technology-based instruction in which students are at a location physically separated from their instructor during the entire course of study (Lei & Gupta). Distance education began in Europe with correspondence schools (Hull, 2009). The primary purpose of these correspondence schools was to teach shorthand (Hull, 2009). The United States adopted the idea around 1980, and it was primary used for broadening vocational training for mining, and state college

  • Distance Education Essay

    1117 Words  | 3 Pages

    changed and reworked the definition of distance education over the last century. Schlosser and Simonson (2002) outlined four elements that define distance education: that it is associated with an institution, that the teacher and learner are separated, that the learning is done via interactive communication media and that these media connect the teachers with the learners and the course material. Schlosser and Simonson (2002) also described the definitions of distance education described by other researchers