Intangible Resources For Apple Inc

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In this model, resources are given the major role in helping companies to achieve higher organizational performance. RBV relies on two types of resources: tangible and intangible. Tangible assets are physical things that constitute the firm which are; Land, buildings, machinery, equipment and capital that can easily be bought in the market so they provide little advantage to the companies in the long run because competitors can soon acquire the identical assets. Intangible assets are non-physical presence but are owned by the company like; Brand reputation, trademarks, intellectual property that are built over a long time and is something that other companies cannot buy from the market. Intangible resources are the main source of sustainable …show more content…

we can see that its strategy concentrate in combination with their ability to bring innovations from concept to market in order to meet customer’s wants and needs through applying user centered design which is definitely one of their key success factors. Also, they obtain a huge portfolio of patents not like other firms as Samsung which creating more ties with Microsoft products. Furthermore, Apple fights with technological issues, for example, regarding the antenna (iPhone 4s) or battery life2 (iPhone 5s). Resources are all assets that are tangible and intangible, firm attribute (reputation and innovation), information, know-how controlled by a firm that enables to implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Apple as other companies do, it concentrates on creating value proposition for its costumers that briefly includes: tangible and intangible (physical resource, human resources, and intellectual resources). It has highly skilled workers with experience, creative problem solution skills including creativity capability to develop easy use products with great design of software. Apple applies the strategies first mover advantage, brand reputation, and customer loyalty in order to get its sustainable competitive advantage. Apple competes with Samsung in tablets and smartphones markets that enable it to sell its products at much higher prices reap higher profit margins. Why Samsung does not follow the same strategy? Because Samsung does not have the same brand reputation like Apple does and this explains the heterogeneous resources. Apple focuses on innovating and believes in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of its groups, which allow it to innovate in a way that others cannot that enable it to sustain competitive

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