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Introducing technology into education
Introducing technology into education
Introducing technology into education
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Instructional Methods for Teaching Math to Students with Learning Disabilities
Introduction to Learning Disabilities
Learning Disability is a recognized category under the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) 2004. Students identified as having a Learning Disability after undergoing an Initial Evaluation, are approved for the support of special education services. Under the IDEA all student, regardless of their disability, have the right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Learning Disability is a widely used, universal term that describes specific kinds of learning problems that students may have. A learning disability can cause a student to have trouble learning, retaining and using skills in reading, writing, math, and comprehension. (Sillman, Bahr, Beasman & Wilkinson, 2000)
Other terms used to describe a learning disability are include dyslexia, or a reading disability; dysgraphia, or a writing disability; and dyscalcula, a math disability. All of these are specific learning disabilities. (Sillman, Bahr, Beasman & Wilkinson, 2000)
Differences in how a student’s brain works, receives and processes information, is the cause a learning disabilities in students. Students with learning disabilities are frequently misdiagnosed as being lazy, troublesome, non-caring, or unintelligent. Students with learning disabilities, however, typically have average intelligence. The only difference is that the students with learning disabilities brains gain and process information differently, than their non disabled peers. Students diagnosed with learning disabilities can be high achieving students, and taught strategies to overcome the learning disability. With effective ...
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...y can also provide students with real world connections to using math. Most importantly, technology tends to be highly motivating to students. The more students are motivated to learn, the more likely they are to become successful in learning and maintaining their knowledge of the subject. Technology should support curricular goals.
Research Behind the Teaching Strategy
According to Kroesbergen & Van Luit (2003) “self-instruction and direct instruction seem to be adequate methods for students with special needs. Direct instruction is most effective for learning basic math facts, and self-instruction approaches are an effective way of learning problem-solving skills.” Technology is an important tool to use in education. Technology is beneficial to motivate student to practice skills. The computer cannot take the place of the educator for instruction. (Weis, 2014)
In the video presentation of How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop, Richard Lavoie is able to simulate several of the difficulties that a student with a learning disability has to face at school. Some of the difficulties experienced by the students are intrinsic to the disability itself, but many other difficulties are directly related with the emotions that the student experiences when attending a class, and as a result of his or her interactions with teachers and classmates. Both the United States law and the education system, have the opportunity to make a huge difference in the learning experience of every student with disability. Students with disabilities need to be guided to a path to education that is both feasible and accessible for them; with achievable goals, and by being provided what they need in order to succeed, and to be able to overcome any obstacles.
The child with a learning disability is entitled under IDEA to receive the same quality of education and other services which are entitled to students without disabilities. The law states that the facilities for both kinds of students must be comparable and the necessary training materials and the appropriate equipment to impart the education must be provided to the student (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), n.d.).
As societal pressures for higher education increase, more emphasis has been placed on the importance of a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. This has led to the increased enrollment of students with learning disabilities over the past decade. According to a recent survey from the National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities, one in eleven full-time first-year students entering college in 1998 self-reported a disability. This translates to approximately 154,520 college students, or about 9% of the total number of first-year freshmen, who reported a wide range of disabilities, ranging from attention deficit disorder to writing disabilities (Horn).
A learning disability is defined as any one of various conditions that interfere with an individual's ability to learn, resulting in impaired functioning in language, reasoning, or academic skills. The National Center for Learning Disabilities explains it as a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to receive process, store and respond to information. Basically, among people with learning disabilities there is a noticeable gap between their level of expected achievement and their actual achievement. Doctors and professionals agree there is no way to pin-point any specific causes for learning disabilities. The NCLD says some possible causes may include heredity, problems during pregnancy or birth, head injuries or nutritional deprivation after birth, and exposure to toxic substances.
The Individuals with Disabilities Act, 2004 (IDEA), has 14 different categories of disabilities (IDEA Partnership, 2012). Students with disabilities can be placed into two more distinct groups which are high incidence disabilities or HID and low incidence disabilities or LID. IDEA defines low incidence disabilities as those students with visual, hearing or significant cognitive impairment (Outcome Data, 2006). These students need personal that are highly trained in specialized skill and knowledge to provide early interventions and education. Those with LID account for less than one percent of the school population (Outcome Data, 2006). Students that fall into this category are usually educated outside of the general education classroom for part of the school day.
Dyslexia is a type of reading problem. In Greek, Dys means difficult and lexia means word or language (Goldish 18). The definition of Dyslexia varies based on which research group you are talking to, but one of the most widely accepted ones is from the National Center for Learning Disabilities and the National Institute of Child Health. The Orton Dyslexia Society Research Committee defines dyslexia in this way:
Before we can expect people to alter their perceptions, they must understand what it is. Dyslexia is a learning disability linked to those who struggle with reading. Although, it seems pretty simple, dyslexia is extremely challenging to identify because it is not defined by one specific thing. Moreover, it includes a wide array of difficulties such as: trouble spelling words, reading quickly, writing out words, “sounding out words in” head, pronunciation and comprehension.
Santa Barbara, CA: Learning Works, 1996. Print. The. Girod, Christina M. Learning Disabilities. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2001. Print.
Assistive technology is often used by individuals with a learning disability. A learning disability “describes a neurobiological disorder in which a person’s brain works or is structured differently” (Lee1). A person’s abilities can be severely affected from a learning disability. They may listen differently, talk differently, write, spell, organize, and work with school subjects in a different way. Learning disabilities also affect people’s individual and personal lives to a great extent. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in seven children has a learning disability. The disability manifests itself when the child shows difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, and conversing with others. The added time they need to process information may make them seem less intelligent then others around them, but this is not the case. Individuals with learning disabilities are just as smart as anyone else; they just need to learn in a different way. The earlier a learning disability is noticed and detected, the earlier a child may be able to learn how to deal with or compensate for it (Lee 1). This is where assistive technology comes into play.
Students with learning disabilities can learn; each student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Educators must continue to focus on the strengths of each student and building on them, creating a stronger student and person. Identifying the weakness is at the core of getting a student help with their learning disability, but after this initial identification and placement, the focus should shift to the strengths and adjusting the student’s schoolwork to reflect these strengths. For instance, if a student is weak in reading but has wonderful group interaction skills and is good with his or her hands, the students' reading tasks should then be shifted to reflect these st...
specific learning disabilities in the United States of America. The Journal of International Association of Special Education, 10(1), 21-26.
Definition of Learning Disabilities – A neurological disorder that make academic and social skills difficult for students are called Learning Disabilities. This disorder affects the brain’s ability to process and receive information as well as respond and store it. A Learning Disability is not a result of poor intelligence or laziness. Learning Disabilities will vary on how they affect different children and adults.
Education is a profession which requires a teacher to be able to communicate with a multitude of students on a variety of levels. There is not a class, or student for that matter, that is identical. Therefore, teachers must be able to identify and help educate students from all different types of backgrounds and at different levels. Teaching a singular subject presents difficulties, but teaching students with disabilities should not be one. There are three main teaching areas that need to be focused on when teaching a student with a learning disability. Teachers need to focus on the strategies that will assist students with reading comprehension skills, writing skills, and maintaining appropriate behaviors in a classroom setting.
How can ICT support the learning of children with special educational needs? ICT can support the learning of children with special educational needs [SEN]. It enables children with SEN to overcome barriers to learning by providing alternative or additional methods of communicating within the learning process. Moreover, it also helps teachers to create a supportive framework, which can enable autonomous learning. When used creatively, ICT can enrich and enhance teaching, motivating pupils and engaging them in active learning.
Technology has many different effects on education, one of them being enhancing the students learning. Technology may enhance the students learning and may assist most students in achieving their academic standards. When technology and appropriate teaching methods are combined, technology may increase the academic achievement. Positive effects have been found in all major subject areas, from preschool to higher education, both regular and special needs students. Educational technology has been found to have a positive effect on a student’s attitude toward learning and on self-concepts. The introduction of technology into the learning environment has allowed the learning to be more student-centered, to encourage group learning, and helps to stimulate an increase in the student-teacher interaction. Technology has shown a shift from a focus on a student’s memorization to their problem solving. Through technology’s use, learning opportunities have become unrestricted by time or place, allowing lifelong learning. Student use of technology through communications can also help to enhance access to a career and continued education. Students are more likely to use a computer to get help because they can to it themselves. Technology is helping students to become independent.