Learning Disability Essay

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General Information • Definition of Learning Disabilities – A neurological disorder that make academic and social skills difficult for students are called Learning Disabilities. This disorder affects the brain’s ability to process and receive information as well as respond and store it. A Learning Disability is not a result of poor intelligence or laziness. Learning Disabilities will vary on how they affect different children and adults. What is LD? (2014). National Center for Learning Disabilities. Retrieved April 2014 from www.ncld.org/types-learning-disabilities/what-is-ld. • Etiology – There is currently no known cause of what causes Learning Disabilities. However, there are three possibilities of what could be causing them in children. The possibilities include problems during pregnancy/birth, incidents after birth, or LD’s could be hereditary. Heredity-Learning disabilities have been known to run in families. Children with LD are likely to have parents, siblings, or other relatives who have LD. Problems during pregnancy and birth- If a child sustains an injury or illness before or during birth could cause LD. Using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy may also lead to Learning Disabilities. Children who lack oxygen during childbirth, or have prolonged labor may also be diagnosed with LD. Incidents after birth- After birth factors that lead to LD can include serious illness, head injuries, poor nutrition and exposure to toxins. What causes LD? (2014). National Center for Learning Disabilities. Retrieved April 2014 from http://www.ncld.org/types-learning-disabilities/what-is-ld/what-causes-learning-disabilities. • How are Learning Disabilities Diagnosed? – A child is often diagnosed with a Learning Disability when they e... ... middle of paper ... ...hould embrace and encourage the students to use these values to help achieve academic success. Mercer, C.D., Mercer, A.R, & Pulen, P.C. (2011). Teaching students with learning problems. New Jersey: Pearson. Page 4. • Gender Differences and Learning Disabilities- Males are more likely to receive special education services for Learning Disabilities than females. Boys comprise of almost 2/3 of students in schools that receive special education services. “Boys are twice as likely to be identified by teachers as in need of a learning disability programs compared to girls.” It is easier to identify Learning Disabilities in boys because they are more open about it than girls. Girls are more likely to hide their learning disabilities than boys. Females are not being diagnosed appropriately and if they are failed to be identified, it could be setting them up for failure.

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