Cerebral Palsy a neurodevelopmental disease that is non-progressive that results from brain damage. It is a lack of muscle control. It commonly is a There is a nerve blockage in the brain that inhibits the necessary function that needs to be carried out. Therefore the brain is unable to send appropriate signals to tell the muscles when to contract or relax.
Cerebral Palsy can be caused in many ways such as during the prenatal period, having the baby prematurely, delivery complications, and having increased levels of bilirubin. Environmental factors that may take place are drugs, hypoxia, infections within the mother, and hypertension can also lead to Cerebral palsy. Its is said that most children with Cerebral palsy had brain damage
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due to unnecessary labor precautions. About ten percent of children in the United States have Cerebral palsy that is due to complications during birth. Complications such as hypoxia and head trauma. There are three types of Cerebral Palsy, spastic, athetoid, and ataxic. The most common is spastic cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy patients with spasticity tend to have muscles that can’t relax appropriately which leads to the muscles becoming very stiff and hard to maneuver. Athetoid cerebral palsy inhibits the child to control their muscle movements, in this case you would see them moving their limbs around. Ataxic cerebral palsy which means without order is when a child has poor coordination and balance. In some cases, children, may have all three types of cerebral palsy in different ways. Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy is a combination of chorea and athetoid which is an involuntary movement of muscles, they are uncoordinated and repetitive movements. They have difficulties while tasking such as picking up a cup, walking in a straight line, or pressing buttons on a remote control. Diagnosis: Children with Cerebral Palsy are diagnosed at an early age from sixteen to eighteen months.
It can be a little more challenging to diagnose a child younger than sixteen months being that they are still developing and harder to predict if it is indeed Cerebral palsy. By the time the child is a toddler the neurologist can determine if the child, has hemiplegia, diplegia, or quadriplegia. Hemiplegia is a form of Cerebral palsy that targets one side of the body such as the right arm and the right leg. Diplegia refers to paralysis from the waist down and these children can also have minimal movement of their upper limbs. Quadriplegia is paralysis from the neck down which can inhibit children from keeping themselves balanced on their own. Children start showing signs that are linked to Cerebral palsy such as incoordination, dragging limbs while crawling, and rattling toys on the specific side and child doesn’t respond. The way the child walks can be a sign as well. Children with Cerebral palsy that are starting to walk tend to walk on their toes which is a result from the tendons being overly contracted, they tend to drag their lower limbs, loses their balance easily, and they may have one or both sides of the body that droops. Most children start holding their heads up, balance themselves while sitting and standing which then leads to walking on their own. Cerebral palsy patients don’t have that luxury because the simplest things to one person can be a challenge to the person …show more content…
with the disability. There are many people that have a mild to severe form of Cerebral palsy and its always a good idea to keep an eye out for those signs. About thirty to fifty percent of children with Cerebral palsy may have epileptic seizures. Epilepsy is a type of seizure that is a result from a massive brain injury and is most common in children that are quadriplegic because there is minimal mobility and have greater mass of trauma to the brain. Thirty to fifty percent of children with Cerebral palsy have problems comprehending, problem solving, speaking, and have a short attention span. The life span of people with Cerebral palsy ranges from thirty to seventy years of age depending on how severe the case is. For example, children with quadriplegia tend to have a lower life expectancy rate due to the massive brain trauma. Treatment Options: Treatment options for children/adults may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy or surgical procedures to alleviate pain in the joints, and medication such as muscle relaxers.
A great contributing factor is having a supporting family to help motivate the child/adult to keep going strong. This can help the cerebral palsy patient to be more confident within themselves and become independent. There are ways to help prevent the risks of Cerebral palsy. The best thing to do is to set a doctor’s appointment as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. Prenatal vitamins, controlled blood pressure, eating healthy are a few ways that may help possibly analyte the chances of having a child with Cerebral
palsy. Prognosis: As of today, there is no cure for Cerebral palsy. There have been many advances that have been improved in the last 20 years, which have had a great result with children born with Cerebral palsy. Advances in technology, including computers and engineering devices that have been invented for the people with Cerebral palsy. Devices such as the Robotic Exoskeleton, this contraption is a glove that allows children to have more mobility in their hands. Neurological surgical procedures are currently in the process to fix the brain damage in cerebral palsy patients. The future may bring more new and exciting opportunities for people living with Cerebral palsy to help them lead a normal lifestyle. Cerebral palsy is something I live with every day. My form of Cerebral palsy is hemiparesis and it affects my right extremities. While writing, I learned and refreshed my knowledge on this condition. I was diagnosed at the age of six months that I had a mild form of Cerebral palsy. I received physical and occupational therapy from the day I got diagnosed up until my pre-teen years. The cause of my Cerebral palsy is due to labor and delivery delay which in this case I am part of the ten percent of children that were born hemiplegic. People always assume that because you have a disability that you won’t amount to anything and that isn’t true. I have been very blessed that my family has always supported and pushed me to do anything I put my mind to. When I felt like giving up on myself, my family would always say I can. That’s why I want to become an Occupational therapist so I may be an inspiration to kids just like me and remind them that yes, they can no matter the challenges they might face throughout their lifetime. I don’t view Cerebral palsy as a disability but as an opportunity to empower people to succeed.
What causes Bell’s palsy is not clear, but some experts believe it is linked to the herpes simplex virus, that causes cold sores or Influenza. Many health problems can cause weakness or paralysis of the face. This is a form of cranial mononeuropathy VII, which is the 7th cranial facial nerve and the nerve controls the movement of the face. Bell’s palsy could also be linked to inflammation of the nerve in the area where it travels through the bones of the skull. And other such conditions as diabetes, and Lyme disease the symptoms for Bell’ palsy is as follows.
The overview definition of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is defined in the Medical Dictionary for Allied Health as a “progressive degenerative disease of the lateral columns of the spinal cord leading to weakness paralysis and death (Breskin, 2008).” This definition is brief but by looking at this one helps to better define the disease, which follows. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig disease the progressive destruction is of the motor neuron this results in muscular atrophy. The nerve cells effected are from the brain to the spinal cord and the spinal cord to the peripheral these are the nerves that control muscle movement. ALS affects muscles that are controlled by conscious thought, this includes arms, legs, and trunk muscles. ALS leaves sensation, thought processes, the heart muscle, digestive system, bladder, and other internal organs unaffected.
Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. It is a birth defect in which a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly. The term Spina bifida comes from Latin and means "split" or "open" spine. This disorder occurs when the fetus is growing in the womb and its spine doesn’t form correctly. Some of the vertebrae don’t close to make their normal ring shapes around the spinal cord. This defect happens at the end of the first month of pregnancy, when a baby's spine and spinal cord are developing. Causes of Spina Bifida Causes that cause this disorder are low levels of the vitamin folic acid during pregnancy. Not having enough folic acid in the diet before and during early pregnancy can increase a woman's risk of Spina bifida and possibility of other neural tube defects. A high fever during pregnancy may increase a woman's chance of having a baby with Spina bifida. Some evidence suggests that genes may be a cause of Spina Bifida, but most babies born with Spina bifida have no family history of the condition. Also, women with epilepsy
ALS is led to mean no muscle nourishment. When a muscle has no nourishment, it atrophies or wastes away hence the name. In addition to this, lateral shows the areas in a person's spinal cord where part of the nerve cells that signal and control the muscles are located. As this area degenerates, it leads to scarring or hardening (sclerosis) in this particular region.
“Some things may never get better, but your ability to deal with that problem will improve.” This was said by, Wayne Kirk. In the book, Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper, the main character Melody was born with cerebral palsy. She has an active and bright mind but you are not able to see that because she can’t use her words to speak. Having a child with special needs is extremely challenging. You don’t get the chance to watch them grow up like the other kids, you watch them struggle and fight to be heard. Even though children with special needs don’t always struggle or fight. They are still trying hard to be like the children they are always around, like their classmates or even siblings.
Sankar, C; Mandkur, N. (2005). Cerebral Palsy-Definition, Classification, Etiology and Early Diagnosis. Symposium on Developmental and Behavioural Disorders. 72 (10), 865-868.
A physical disability may affect a childâ€TMs social skills if they become withdrawn, their behaviour may also be affected if they feel frustrated by their limitations. Cerebral palsy for example, is a condition that affects the movement, posture and co-ordination of a person, a sufferer can also be affected by seizures, epilepsy or problems with speech and language. Development may be restricted by the
Many people have heard the term cerebral palsy and may have a personal perception of the appearance and effects of this impairment. They are (1) pyramidal system, (2) extrapyramidal system (basal ganglia), (3) extrapyramidal system (cerebellum), and (4) mixed. The Pyramidal System controls the voluntary motor movement and is especially crucial for fine motor control. Spastic (hypertonic) cerebral palsy, the most common form of cerebral palsy and is characterized by increased muscle tone that interferes with voluntary movement and fine motor movement, such as movement of the hand or fingers.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is brain damage. It cannot be cured, it is not contagious, it is not a disease, and it does not get worse. According to Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, "Cerebral Palsy is a broad term for various nonprogressive disorders of motor function in people, resulting from brain damage around the time of birth. Damage to the brain could occur before, during, or shortly after birth"(“Cerebral”). Since the damage is done during the brain’s formation, and occurs in the part of the brain that controls motor and muscle functions, people with CP might have problems with motor skills, muscle tone, muscle weakness, reflexes, balance, excessive drooling, difficulties swallowing or speaking, shaking, tremors, and difficulty with fine motor skills (“Cerebral Palsy: Hope”). Although it may not be diagnosed until a child is a few years old, most children with CP are born with it, and even though it does not get worse the symptoms caused by the brain damage can change and people with CP may have problems with vision, speech, hearing, or language, but with early intervention, support and treatment, many people with CP can manage their condition and lead full, productive lives.
Obesity and poor nutrition are twice as prevalent among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including spina bifida. Yet few programs have been successfully developed to teach basic food preparation skills for healthy and affordable meals in this “hidden” population. Decreased mobility is a pronounced limitation associated with spina bifida. The low metabolism that results from decreased activity levels is often worsened by sleep apnea, making it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Other contributing factors to obesity in adults with spina bifida may include isolation due to lack of transportation and underemployment, poor planning skills, emotional eating, and low lean muscle mass. Additionally, executive dysfunction,
genetic background, age of mother, access to prenatal care, nutrition, drug use, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking. Each factor by itself can affect the birth outcome and cause low birth weight, preterm or morbidity of infants.
There are signs that people with PWS will have. (Staff, 2014) As an infant the child will have hypotonia, which means their muscles are floppy and they have poor tone. (Prader-Willi Syndrome). A child will also have different facial features: almond shaped eyes, narrowing head, and a curved down mouth. Because of the poor muscles, the child will have difficulty sucking and will gain weight very slowly. In addition, the child’s eyes will not be coordinated, one may wonder off to the side while the other is focused ahead. The child will also have slow receptiveness: whether it is something stimulating or waking up, the infant will respond
It is a medical condition that affects the muscles, nerves and brain. It is a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and disability caused by damage to the brain before or after birth. My condition was caused by a lack of oxygen when I was born ( the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck). One thing I would like for you to know is that my mind works fast , but it takes my muscles a while to catch up. It is not contagious and it is not hereditary.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by motor performance and postural challenges appearing early in life. Impaired muscle strength and tonicity are major predictors of poor motor control affecting the ability for children with CP to develop age appropriate milestones including ambulation and other functional skills. Muscle weakness is associated with abnormal bone development (Stevenson, Conaway, Barrington, Cuthill, Worley & Henderson, 2006). The prevention and treatment of muscle weakness and bone fragility are critical areas of research in children with cerebral palsy.
Not everyone lives through it but most children live into adult life and some can live for many decades.Although there have been no general studies of life expectancy in people with cerebral palsy, most children affected by CP live between 30 and 70 years, depending on the severity of the condition. In general, a child with a mild case of CP usually lives longer than a child with mobility and intellectual limitations. Children who respond well to physical and occupational therapy, have no intellectual development problems, and can function with little or no assistance lead longer lives than those with severe disabilities caused by cerebral palsy (CP). The family system is required for the development of healthy individuals. Within the family set up, the family dynamics play important role as the end result of behaviors of all family members as a family system result from it. Psychological stress associated with cerebral palsy is known to be one of the most depressing conditions of