Injustice And Discrimination In The Workplace

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Gender is a concept that describes the differences between men and women as a result of the socio-cultural construction of society (Mohd Anuar, 2014). Injustice and discrimination often occur against women and minority groups in obtaining the right to get the opportunities provided by the government in improving living standards. This also will cause negative emotional impact on female employees if left behind. As a result, the woman worker would suffer low motivation to work, reducing productivity and job performance. The authority of a woman is also likely to be threatened if things like this happen in their organization. Work culture that discriminates against women workers is also often affects employees who have been working. Therefore there will be …show more content…

Although many women work, but gender equality remains a source of discrimination in the labor market. The results showed that 70% of women in developed countries and 60% of women in developing countries work and income conditions, but the growth of the female workforce is not followed by the socio-economic empowerment of women (Ardiyan, 2012). Women remain the losers and vulnerable to exploitation. Three factors of gender discrimination are included that is discrimination in recruitment and selection, promotion and facilities (Memon, 2015).
Zaiton (2011) then states that female employees often experience of discrimination in the workplace is surprising and differs than what was expected in which the higher percentage of negative responses recorded from the respondents, even though majority of the previous research indicates that there are existences of discriminations against women in the workplace. According to previous researches, discrimination against women normally happened more in the higher position or decision making level and fewer discrimination practice in the lower level

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