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Stereotypes and judgement
How stereotypes affect people
How stereotypes affect people
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One of the most robust phenomena in psychology is ingroup/outgroup bias. Past research has shown that while people empathize with almost anyone in distress they empathize more with their in-group - family, friends, or their own ethnic group (Society Of Neuroscience, 2009). Previous studies have shown that stereotypes, that are believed to contain the summary of our cultural beliefs about a group, are often automatically activated these when group members are encountered or even thought about (Scott, 2005). Many researchers have found that, while individuals may be motivated to resist stereotyping and prejudice the initial stereotyping still occurs (Devine, Plant, Amodio, Harmon-Jones & Vance, 2002; Dunton & Fazio, 1997). Scott believes that the initial stereotyping is often coupled with a more controlled process, which can reduce the impact of such stereotyping on judgments, when perceivers are motivated and able to correct for the activated stereotypes thus playing an important role in decision-making (Scott, 2005). Racial Bias in jury outcomes may also have its roots in Empath...
social groups. Whenever someone is placed in a situation where a certain stereotype can be
Numerous research and investigations were conducted on the topic of stereotype threat. In the articles connected to this paper, experiments were performed to see how stereotype threat affected test results. During tests some participants were exposed to variables that activated a negative stereotype while others were not. Those exposed to the negative stereotype had lower results. Therefore stereotype threat resulted in weaker performance. It is proven the threat exists but so...
For my Christian Leadership and Service class, our final project is to watch a movie and analyze it according to a prevalent social issue. The movie that my group decided to watch is Zootopia. The film communicates that people should not be indulged by the Outgroup Homogeneity effect. This is when thinking of ingroups as diverse, and those of the outgroup as similar occurs. The movie depicts this because the predators are all classified as being “savage” due to their biological nature even thought it was only some that were acting “savage.” Those couple of predators that were found to be wild made ingroups believe that all outgroup members (predators) were also savage and that they should not take part of important roles in Zootipia. After realizing that she was wrong in thinking that all outgroup members were savage Judy shows that she learned that a
Some common ethnic stereotypes are derived out of implicit social cognition, also known as implicit bias. The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity defines implicit bias in their report titled, “Understanding Implicit Bias”. “… Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that effect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner” (“Understanding Implicit Bias”). Stereotypes from implicit bias contrast with others because they are created in one’s subconscious, not necessarily from a palpable event or reason. Implicit biases can become rooted in a person’s subconscious in several different manners. “In addition to early life experiences, the media and news programming are often-cited origins of implicit associations,” says the Kirwan Institute (“Understanding Implicit Bias”). The manner in which the American media portrays specific groups of people influence the implicit biases of the American people. These biases causes people to have feelings or attitudes about other races, ethnicities, age groups, and appearances (“Understanding Implicit
In his essay “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments” Robert Heilbroner discusses the many faces of stereotyping. Heilbroner reminds us that stereotyping affects many areas of our lives from how we view the world as a whole to how we view each individual we meet. According to Heilbroner there is nothing positive about stereotyping. He states that it makes us lazy thinkers and that it harms both the people we are stereotyping and ourselves. Heilbroner gives us three ways we can eliminate stereotyping behavior from our lives.
In many circles of the world, various groups of people distinguish themselves from one another through religion, language, culture, and sometimes gender. People also develop stereotypes about a particular group of people in order to identify them. However, most of the time, these stereotypes hold true for only some members of a group. Sometimes, these stereotypes are just plain misconceptions that do not even apply to the group it claims to. Stereotypes are placed on people because it is a way to easily identify what type of person or ethnicity an individual is. At one point in time, these stereotypes may have been true; however, in today’s modern society, most of these stereotypes are outdated and false, which leads them to turn into misconceptions. Usually, stereotypes are utilized to humiliate and degrade the person or group; they also do not provide any beneficial outcomes. Stereotypes focus on how a particular group acts because of the radical ideas and actions of the few, how a particular group looks, or how that group is physically lacking in some way. These stereotypes often lead to conflicts because the group does not appreciate the way it is being perceived. Seldom are the stereotypes placed on a group of people truthful and accurate. Some hardly even apply to the particular group people it claims to. It is true that how people are perceived has a big impact on how other individuals interact with them; however, people are not perceiving these groups correctly.
Growing up in a very accepting and forward home, I always found myself to be free of most bias. Having been the target of some racial prejudice in the past, I always told myself that I would make sure nobody else had to feel the same way. While this may be a great way to think, it really only covers the fact that you will not have any explicit bias. What I have realized during the course of this class is that implicit bias often has a much stronger effect on us than we might think, and even the most conscious people can be affected.
This allowed people to write down all stereotypes they know of African Americans. The results showed that both low and high prejudice groups wrote down similar stereotypes and therefore there was no significant differences between the groups and any category. “High- and low-prejudice persons are indeed equally knowledgeable of the cultural stereotype (Devine, 1989).” Although this is the case for both high- and low-prejudice persons, this does not mean that consciousness of a stereotype equals the influence and inevitability of prejudice. “The inevitability of prejudice approach, however, overlooks an important distinction between knowledge of a cultural stereotype and acceptance or endorsement of the stereotype” (Ashmore & Del Boca, 1981; Billig, 1985). Knowing about versus actually believing in stereotype are two very different things: “Beliefs can differ from one’s knowledge about an object or group or one’s affective reaction toward the object or group (Pratkanis, in press).” Therefore, while stereotypes are automatically activated, beliefs require conscious
Fred Edmund Jandt (2003), the word “stereotype” was first used to show the judgments made about individuals on the origin of their racial background. Today the expression is more commonly used to pass on to events made on the basis of a groups association. Psychologists have attempted to give explanations of stereotyping as errors that our brains make in the judgment of other people that are related to those mistakes our brains make in the view of illustration illusions. When information is blurred, the brain frequently reaches the incorrect conclusion. (p.77)
Kunstman, Jonathan W., et al. "Feeling In With The Outgroup: Out-group Acceptance And The Internalization Of The Motivation To Respond Without Prejudice." Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology 105.3 (2013): 443-457. PsycARTICLES. Web. 5 Dec. 2013.
Stereotyping is a form of pre judgement that is as prevalent in today's society as it was 2000 years ago. It is a social attitude that has stood the test of time and received much attention by social psychologists and philosophers alike. Many approaches to, or theories of stereotyping have thus been raised. This essay evaluates the cognitive approach that categorisation is an essential cognitive process that inevitably leads to stereotyping. Hamilton (1979) calls this a 'depressing dilemma'.
According to Devine (1989), automatic processing involves the unconscious retrieval of obtained associations that develop through memory repetition; this process links with stimulus cues in the environment. The intense nature of automaticity is that an individual cannot escape or try to ignore the process (Devine, 1989). People build and enforce stereotypes through this automatic process and have no conscious control of memory retrievals. Human bodies take a lot of effort to function, but automatic processing requires little effort. People, therefore, mostly rely on automatic thinking, rather than controlled. This is why some researchers argue that automatic processing is why stereotyping is inevitable; because automaticity is easier, it does not mean controlled thinking cannot disband stereotypes (Devine, 1989). Controlled thinking is intentional and requires active participation of an individual. This proce...
Many often justify discrimination through the means of statistical evidence, claiming that groups that are stigmatized deserve their treatment by citing negative attributes about them. However, this paradox is frequently unresolved to even those who realize the fallacy in discrimination. Several researchers in social psychology, including Galen V. Bodenhausen and Jennifer A. Richeson, have offered potential reasons behind this happening; “It should come as no surprise that individuals’ attitudes and stereotypical beliefs affect the way intergroup interactions unfold. Indeed, individuals who harbor negative stereotypes about the group membership of their interaction partners often display behavior that conforms to their stereotypical beliefs”(Bodenhausen & Richeson, 361). This shows how those discriminated against are likely to adapt to their societal status, and thus often behave according to their respective stereotypes. From this, one can begin to infer that this paradox is a reinforcing cycle, and that prejudice forms as a result of discrimination. Building upon this trend, in the final chapters of the text, a Peters reflects on the trends and results derived from Jane’s exercises, and how it related to the act of discrimination itself; “But even more pernicious, [the exercise] also illustrates how the results of discrimination tend
The theoretical and practical implications of inconsistent and consistent information in the Psychology of Stereotypical Behavior differentiates in two ways. With consistent information, a group is known for certain behaviors (negative or positive), and the subject who is analyzing the behavior may lose interest since the known behavior is consistent with the stereotype. However, when a group shows inconsistencies of the perceived stereotypical behaviors, then the analyzer will question the inconsistencies, and give specific attention to the group.
Most people find stereotypes to be obnoxious, especially when they have to do with sensitive subjects like gender or race. “Stereotyping is a generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive others and their communication behaviors” (Floyd, 61). Because they underestimate the differences among individuals in a group, stereotyping can lead to inaccurate and offensive perceptions of other people. Although stereotypes are prevalent in almost every society, becoming aware of our perceptions of others, as well as differentiating between both positive and negative stereotypes can help us overcome those stereotypes.