Importance Of Self Actualization

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Attaining Self Actualization There is no safe and familiar in a world constantly changing and advancing. The norms we adjust are always evolving slowly and never truly saying the same. Since existence, the very world itself has developed steadily, along with all forms of life residing on it. Humans are constantly creating, working forward not only to do more than those who came before, but also bring something new into the world. Becoming all one can be is a constant struggle taken on by nearly every person who has existed. With the hierarchy of needs in mind they have all strove past each step to reach the ultimate goal of self actualization. The very presence of boredom, shows that humans reach for mental stimulation creating a hunger for …show more content…

Maslow had a list of specific characteristics that helped define if a person was self actualized. An article by Saul McLeod on Maslow 's hierarchy of needs listed those characteristics as perceiving reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty. They can also accept themselves and others for what they are. Self actualized people are spontaneous in thought and action, problem-centered, tend to have an unusual sense of humor. They are able to look at life objectively, and are highly creative. Resistant to enculturation, but not purposely unconventional. They also can be concerned for the welfare of humanity, capable of deep appreciation of basic life-experiences and, establish deep satisfying interpersonal relationships with a few people.they create peak experiences for themselves. Finally they have a need for privacy and democratic attitudes with strong moral/ethical standards (McLeod). However even all of these doesn’t fully describe it, a person can be self actualized and not show many of these traits at all. While some other un-self actualized people may show many of such traits. This is just a guideline list Maslow created that showed the predominate traits he found in his studies. Self Actualization is about reaching an individual 's full potential so no guidelines can be followed to the t because each individual has a unique …show more content…

As we as humans grow that need becomes deeply engrained in our beings. This creates the need for outlets for achievement, ways to reach the goals we set. Yet while working towards these goals some may fall back into mediocrity but only for a time because all humans have the desire to move forward. If one is to achieve self actualization it may take a full life time for that person to reach their full potential, but they will constantly strive for that final goal. We must constantly invent ourselves and ways of relating to the world as we progress through life (Rathus 2012, p.9). Every day we are striving to become what we are capable of being. Humanity will continue to strive towards this goal for as Maslow stated, that self actualization is an important of a need in humans as hunger (Rathus 2012, p.

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