Hydrated Skin Using Ice Cream

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Beauty Routine: Keep your Skin Hydrated by Using Ice in 7 Amazing Ways
Ice is mostly used as supplement drink but is so advantageous to the skin. Ice pellets helps sooth inflamed acne they also eliminate red and deflating acne. Ice also has other benefits in relation to beauty since it also helps to tighten the breasts and make them smooth. Ice cubes minimize facial pores and help keep the production of sebum in normal conditions. During a hot day ice cubes helps give the body a cooling effect and prevent it from the scorching sun. Ice quenches a long time thirst especially during the hot weather or summer season. Excess consumption of ice causes tonsils, cold and coughs especially in kids, hence they should stay away from it.A dehydrated skin is dull and does not show any beauty. An individual with dehydrated skin has bad breath, dry skin especially the lips, muscle cramps, food cravings especially sweets and ice cream. The following are 7 amazing ways to maintain a hydrated skin using ice.
1. Pour some juice in the ice tray and leave it to freeze, use the ice cubes to rub your face the skin feels well and the complexion becomes more radiant. They also work effectively on the acne prone skin and help clear them completely. The white and black heads are …show more content…

Helps clear sun burns caused by scorching sun.in this case use ice cubes place them ona cloth and use it on the affected area. It gives a cooling effect and relieves pain and irritations in an instant way. Use of a PC causes marks on the eyelids and this can only be solved by freeze cucumber which is then applied on the affected area. This helps to keep the skin hydrated and more to that clear the ugly marks. Ice can be another alternative for make up since when you forget to apply makeup ice cubes is also another solution. They give your face a dewy fresh look instantly it gives a radiant look that makes your skin look more fresh and hydrated. Even with no make up your face looks beautiful than

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