How To Spot A Workplace Bully

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How to Spot a Workplace Bully

Many of us hope that we’ve left the world of bullies behind in grade school, but it’s just as common to find a bully in the workplace as it is on the playground. Workplace bullying can have a major negative impact on any work environment, leaving individuals feeling victimized, uncomfortable, and insecure in their career. Watch out for these signs – if you spot them, mediation may be necessary.
1. They set unmanageable targets. A tough boss is a common workplace hazard, but there’s a fine line between setting high standards and bullying. If your superior often assigns you tasks that are unachievable, sets deadlines that leave you working all night, or overloads you with mountains …show more content…

They get aggressive. You should never have to put up with somebody verbally harassing you, whether that’s through yelling and shouting or swearing at you. This kind of behaviour is inappropriate and intimidating, and can definitely be classed as bullying.
3. They gossip behind your back. Some gossip is to be expected in any work environment, but when the water cooler conversations become malicious or involve the spreading of cruel rumours, things have gone too far. Your private life should remain private, so any gossip that damages your professional reputation should be seen as malicious bullying behaviour.
4. They humiliate you. There’s a time and a place for calling out mistakes at work. If your colleague makes a point of criticising your work or actions publically so that others hear, belittles your opinions in meetings or make you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable at work, there’s definitely cause for concern.
5. They sabotage your attempts to make progress in your career. A little workplace competition can be healthy, but a colleague who deliberately prevents you from receiving the promotion you deserve or attempts to take credit for work that you have put time and effort into are verging into bullying territory. This can also apply if they undermine your work in front of superiors, impeding your attempts to advance your …show more content…

Open your ears. The main complaint many teenagers have about their parents is that they don’t listen. Although you may not always agree with your child, it’s important to give them space to speak their mind. They may not necessarily be looking for solutions or advice in response to their problems, but just being present and hearing them out will help you form a closer bond.
2. Share a hobby. As your child grows into an adolescent, they’ll most likely develop new interests that don’t necessarily align with your own. Try to take an active interest in the things your child enjoys doing and join in as much as you can. If your teenage son develops a passion for camping or hiking, arrange a family trip so that you can be part of the things that he enjoys.
3. Set aside time for parenting ‘dates.’ The word date might make your teenager run for the hills, but one on one time together will give you the chance to catch up and get to know one another better. Set up a particular block of time each week that’s dedicated to each other, and be consistent with sticking to that routine.
4. Treat them like young adults. Though teenagers aren’t yet fully-fledged adults, they are no longer really children. Treat your adolescent accordingly. Try not to speak down to them, and set firm boundaries for your home while acknowledging that they may have their own views to

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