How To Drop Out Of High School Sports Persuasive Essay

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Sleep eight hours a night, get good grades, participate in extracurriculars, eat healthy, stay organized, and maintain a good social life are things society drills into today’s teenagers. There are many challenges and obstacles faced by students eighteen and under. A common struggle among students who participate in extracurricular activities is dealing with the stress and pressure placed by coaches, parents, school, and community. Sports participation is a great way for students to learn important lessons about discipline and teamwork and make new friends. High school students who participate in sports are far less likely to drop out of school according to the National Athletic Trainer’s Association. According to the Center For Parent/Youth Understanding(CPYU) nearly thirty-six million children ages six to seventeen in the United States participate in team sports which is seventy-four percent of today’s youth. Most students play a sport to have fun; however, students begin to drop out of athletics as they age. A Michigan State Youth Sports Institute survey showed that seventy percent of young athletes will drop out of sports before turning thirteen(CPYU, 1). Teenagers start to pursue …show more content…

Students say the primary source of pressure is from their parents according to CPYU. Many parents take high school sports too seriously. Constant pressure from parents can take the fun and learning out of sports and cause students to quit. Many parents can see success in sports as a way to gain a better reputation for the family’s name in the community. Younger siblings of successful older siblings feel pressure from their family and community to live up to their older sibling's achievements. Adults may be accustomed to dealing with performance based stress on a regular basis, but this could be a very new experience for teens, who do not know what to do when the pressure elevates (Newport Academy,

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