How Music Affects Academics

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Who here loves music? I sure do, music is proven to help academic scores and grades. How cool is that? Music is such a great tool to boost students grades. I have done some experiments of why music improves academics because music does actually help in memory and that could help during a test or while studying.
Music is so popular these days in teens, they are constantly listening to music with their earphones. But there are other ways music has been used in the past and still is… they use it to study and use it while they work. Some studies have shown that only classical music helps but, other studies show that rap and pop can help as well. When someone is tapping their feet or nodding their head it can be distracting, but City has mostly …show more content…

Then I finally came up with the idea for me to listen to music… so I did,and I could focus so much better so I decided to look into the study of music in teens more, and then this opportunity came around and I instantly wanted to do it on this topic.
In art class with Ms. Bradberry everyone gets to listen to music and I’ve been observing that the classroom is a lot quieter when everybody is plugged into their music. Maybe that’s why she chose to let us listen to music, maybe not? Either way it’s a great coping skill and great for the mind. Studies show that music gets students focused on things other than their friends and that it can be very stress relieving too. But as you know there are always people who disagree and they say music distracts students even more. Now, think about it does music distract us more??? 87% of people say it helps them relax and focus and is not distracting. Source : Scholastic News 2016 edition. Music also prevents interactions with others, so students don’t feel compelled to talk with their friends. Studies have shown that while observing different classrooms with/without music the chatting decreases by 86% which is

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